ez |
I want to know if any new development (other then bugfixing) is done on Genoa.
E.g. I see: CoTemplate 2.7, Jquery 1.71
Back to Genoa > Q: Is Genoa getting improved Yes or No. ==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
Dyllon |
I was lead to believe that Geona is being phased out upon release of the 1.0.0 branch. In my opinion it's even more of a disadvantage to support two separate branches in which aren't compatible with eachother. All it does is drive a wedge between the community, and it's plugin/theme developers.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
Trustmaster |
Shortly, no new features are being implemented for Genoa. CoTemplate 2.6 was an exception because it was highly requested and has been tested on Siena well enough and it can be used with Genoa almost painlessly. Probably 2.7 will be available in Genoa as well if it is known to be reliable enough. As for jQuery 1.7.1 it is more questionable, we need to be sure it doesn't break any existing plugins if we update it. In the Cotonti Team we don't have an explicit intention to halt the Genoa branch and force everyone to Siena migration. But we are a very few people in fact and we've made our choice in favor of Siena. I don't mind if somebody continued the development of Genoa branch. But there is one major requirement: it must be absolutely backwards compatible with previous Genoa releases (i.e. it must not require any changes in plugins or templates and it must not break any existing sites). May the Source be with you!
ez |
Ok.. clear, so developments stops shortly.. ==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
Kingsley |
@ ez you already have one user :) up till today i find Sienna meh.. to much change... for the change? I dunno, but most implemented things are for the real developer, while userfriendlyness is kinda going out of the window. before cotonti programmers jumping onto me and giving 1000s of reasons why sienna is better.. I am a user, and experience it the way I discrib above. Just an objective assessment, that's all. |
GHengeveld |
Kingsley and ez, can you give me a list of things in which you think Siena is worse than Genoa? I'd like to know your personal opinion, so it may not even be technically true, just let me know how you feel about these issues. Perhaps there are features we think are in improvement, but you think are not. In the end we just want to have a product that appeals to all of our users, including non technical ones. |
ez |
Gert and other devs, There are few things you might consider..
A lot of members just converted (1 yr ago) to Genoa, and now another big change is on the way. And you basically say that Genoa is stopping.
Well big story.. but I truly believe this.. ==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
Azazello |
Dyllon |
Ez, It's understandable to keep things simple, and gradually improve the core; however, the Siena branch has been around for quite some time now providing ample time to update plugins and themes. Most of the plugins people are requesting are included in the default package of the Siena branch (or achievable quite easily), and even then.. developing plugins for Siena is not that different from Geona. To try and keep Cotonti from moving to object oriented code is silly; It is the future, and the next best thing. I don't seem to understand why it will shy away php programmers from Cotonti. Realistically any new comer to Cotonti is going to have to invest a good amount time learning how it is structured. The first time I looked at Wordpress.. I was completely lost, but any good programmer will pick it up in time. The only underlying problem I am finding with the Siena branch is the lack of theme developers. Which it can be hard to find willing, and skilled, template designers/coders. I personally find both Siena themes extremely unattractive, and even more so the Geona themes. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
Trustmaster |
Let's make it clear. First, a few facts:
There is an important and contradictory thing about Genoa: users request changes and no changes at the same time. We got many complaints that there are too many Genoa releases (about 15 by then, 21 by now) and we should better stop changing it and leave the plugin and skin developers some space to breathe. We did, we left the core alone and let the plugin and skin developers do what they want knowing that the core doesn't change. Now there are complaints that there are no new features in the Genoa's core. But keep in mind: if there are new features, it will probably require changes in plugins and skins. Probably I was not clear in my previous post so I'll say it in other words: if there are people who want to continue developing the Genoa core, we'd be glad to delegate Genoa branch maintenance to them. The only requirement is that they should use the official Git repository to develop it and be careful with compatibility between releases. Once again, we have no intention to cancel the Genoa branch. We even plan to release more Genoa plugins because we continue developing them for sites running Genoa and having no benefits to upgrade to Siena. May the Source be with you!
Kingsley |
AAAAAAHHH http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/photos/images/original/000/000/578/1234931504682.jpg |
GHengeveld |
Back button in your browser? Usually works for me. Actually I'm used to do Ctrl-A Ctrl-C before I post |
Kingsley |
I sometimes forget to do that after a large post.. wasnt the first time, probably isnt the last one too.. going back didn't work. ;( |
urlkiller |
@Trustmaster oh yes i remember that Discussion. And if iam right i was one of them demading to not change too much. i can fully understand that its hard to maintan two releases with a short staff and not so many active useres contributing.
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Trustmaster |
#32015 urlkiller: Well, this is exactly what Siena's "modules" stands for. You can completely remove "forums" or "polls" for example just like you do with plugins. Or write your own module. This was called "Modularization" and it is a good example of the price that we had to pay for a new major feature, because in order to achieve it we had to do the following:
I'm sure I have forgotten some other things we had to do to achieve what we have now: you can assemble your site of modules and plugins like of lego bricks. But as a result it is not backwards compatible, it's a big bang. There are some unpopular decisions we've made without being enforced to. ez mentioned one of them, CotDB / PDO. A funny thing is that it was actually aimed at developers new to Cotonti, because in the modern world of PHP5 adoption, PDO library is very common and is used by lots of programmers around the world. It is also the basement of such popular libraries as Doctrine and phpActiveRecord. So it is likely to be more familiar for a newcoming PHP programmer rather than sed_sql_* functions. I think the most unreasonable change technically speaking is the global change of prefixes from sed_ to cot_. We could easily live without that. But it's a kind of marketing thing, it's about project recognition. If you are new to Cotonti and start looking at the code, one of the first questions which appear is "This system is called Cotonti, why does everything start with sed_?". Now back to Genoa and new features. Cache is another good example. In Siena we are developing a more advanced cache subsystem. It consists of several layers of caching, from caching particular variables to caching entire pages. All sounds very good in theory, why not apply it to Genoa fresh out of the oven? Well, it would break it then. It took a few releases in development branch to get it stable enough. Currently it is still several steps from being complete. For about 1.5 years we actually used Siena as a laboratory for new features which then were backported to Genoa. It worked until these branches became so different that I got tired of backporting and also that topic of "stop making changes in Genoa" appeared. If there were people dedicated to Genoa branch, the process of getting new features in Genoa would be easier. May the Source be with you!