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Release v0.9.19

Showing 10 of 85 results.
Page: Seditio-N 0.0.1 Overview September 01, 2008

First of all, this release is based on SEDITIO v125 BETA 3. Considering Olivier C. has only done (except marking some cr...

Page: Cotonti Siena 0.9.22 released March 19, 2023

But there is less and less of it. In this release, we continued to work on this. Fixed some bugs. The 'Table Of Conte...

Page: Cotonti Siena 0.9.19 June 24, 2016

  Release info Last time we faced with the lack of Cotonti core developers and testers, so it tooks one and a half yea...

Page: Cotonti Genesis 0.0.3 February 24, 2009

Since this release, our branches have their own names. So, the 0.0.x branch is called Genesis. The following major branc...

Page: Upcomming Deadline / Complete Freeze January 20, 2009

This means that everything should be complete before this time. This only applies directly to the "Trunk". Al...

Page: Seditio-N 0.0.1 released September 01, 2008

It contains all features upcoming Seditio v125 will have and lots more. Here are major highlights: Over 100 fixes and...

Page: Cotonti Siena 0.9.22 March 19, 2023

  Release info Whats new: Force HTTPS. If you are using HTTPS but for some reason it is not detected automatically...

Page: Cotonti Siena 0.9.19 released June 24, 2016

We glad to announce the long-awaited 0.9.19 release! Let's see what we get with it: Bunch of security updates ( #1431...

Page: Siena 0.9.19-rc1 March 23, 2016

Cotonti 0.9.19 Release candidate 1 is available for testing — download and test. Huge list of fixes, inprovements and n...

Page: Cotonti Siena 0.9.18 released January 15, 2015

Happy new 2015, Cotonti people! Here is a new release for you, full of presents: Improved and updated Cotonti Code Refe...