Choose the most practical variant
Trustmaster |
We are reorganizing comments and ratings a bit, so in Siena there will be support for third-party comments or ratings implementations.
As things are being changed, we need to decide how comments and ratings are enabled. Currently you enable them per category in the administration panel. Here are pros and cons: Per page (item) Pros: you can enable/disable comments for every single page if you want Cons: is enabled by default, so may require you a bit more clicks if you need to disable them in many pages Per category Pros: easy to enable/disable in entire categories Cons: cannot enable/disable for single items Both Pros: combines pros from both above options, compensates the downsides Cons: is more complicated and will affect performance (slow down a bit) So please vote which option is the most practical for you. May the Source be with you!
esclkm |
per cat! or we will destroy structure of sed_cat I think - мой маленький зарождающийся блог о котонти.
снижение стоимости программирования и снижение стоимости производства разные вещи. Первое можно скорее сравнить с раздачей работникам дешевых инструментов, чем со снижением зарплаты |
pieter |
I think per cat is OK.
Normally all pages in a cat have the same behaviour on a site. So I guess this is best. Or both, but as there is a speed-consequence. Better per cat. ... can we help you ...
Dr2005alex |
uniquely for the category. - Cotonti Relax
Kort |
Comments per page can be achieved easily via extrafields (that's what these are for), so I vote for comments per cat. - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
Alex300 |
User, not programmer, will'not make comments or raitings per page via extrafields.
It's may be too difficult for him, if he isn't web developer. I think, that both is an optimal way. There is not difficult to program it. Performance decreases no more, than on parsing of one extrafield. Per page should have higher priority, than per category. If per page it is not specified, it is used per category value Есть миры, не здесь, там, где небеса горят, и моря засыпают, и реки дремлют; люди сделаны из дыма, а города – из песен. Где-то опасность, где-то несправедливость, даже где-то остыл чай. Идем Эйс, у нас много работы!...
...Sorry for my english... Бесплатные расширения для Cotonti: |
GHengeveld |
What about per page, with an option to enable/disable for the entire category (much like checking/unchecking an entire group of checkboxes) ?
foxhound |
# Koradhil : What about per page, with an option to enable/disable for the entire category (much like checking/unchecking an entire group of checkboxes) ? That one has my vote. Per page is in my opion really very handy as for example with a community website some people seem to feel the need to start a nice flamewar in a certain news item page or people who hate x person rate his work (on the downloadpages) down. So, being able to disable those per item will at least fix that problem ![]() I know some of you will say.........moderate those better but for example with the ratings you have no proof of who is doing what (no logs who is rating what and how) so there is not much you can do. And till now we always forbid any further comments if the replies posted about a news item really go way to far. Not to mention the fact some authors do just not want their releases being rated, or want all comments to be posted in a specific topic about his release. Just leaving my thought about this as how things go on my website ![]() <img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />