urlkiller |
no no. link it! i know that the site isnt up, now...
Added 18 seconds later: you know its something that lasts ![]() my bad i mean: http://hakozaki.info/projects/usergal/ URL shortener: <a href="http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7">http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7</a>
pieter |
For cotonti 0.6.8 there is a change in "pfs.inc.php"
This mean the file pfs.inc.php in de plugin-files will be overwritten. Tensh, can you update the plugin-zip? Changes to be made in file in zip-file: http://trac.cotonti.com/changeset/1228/branches/genoa/system/core/pfs/pfs.inc.php ... can we help you ...
tensh |
urlkiller, look at the source of the files please. The original plugin was downloaded from the site mentioned in copyright. It appears it's no longer functioning, but I didn't even touch the usergallery from your site... I remember that there was a time when there was this gallery plugin and your one up. Besides, it uses a separate admin part plugin for structure.
... unless you had their allowance to take that copyright. It's a very old script that I used on my site for a long time. But I remember you have a version 3.00 and up - this is the original version 2.40 by their respective authors. Usergal - Gallery System for Seditio Copyright creations* & Alexander Samol creations* | http://saatan.doodoodoo.de Alexander Samol | http://www.projekt-map.de] File=plugins/usergal/usergal.php Version=240 Updated=2007-jan-15 ---- I'll modify the PFS file today. |
urlkiller |
uhm, lol. Iam creations and thus the original author of that plugin.
i have developed the original usergal ![]() alex was developing only version 2.4, with my ok, all other versions are still my copyright ![]() and btw saatan is not online anymore. its not online since a couple of years now... funny. if you would have checked the original post on neocrome you would have saw that the url is not saatan anymore its the above mentioned url. so please change the copyright info! if someone may be interessted here is the complete list of ALL releases versions, even the newer ones (yes you are using an very very old obsolete version of that plugin.): Orig Post: http://neocrome.net/forums.php?m=posts&q=20855 Update Post here: http://neocrome.net/forums.php?m=posts&q=23721 uhm. yes another question i can't really remember giving you the permission to converse the plugin, did i? ah btw. since you are polish maybe you can read the kyrilic text here: http://www.neocrome.ru/page.php?id=254 URL shortener: <a href="http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7">http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7</a>
This post was edited by urlkiller (2010-05-20 01:37, 14 years ago) |
tensh |
I had the old files and I didn't change anything in the headers and tpl not to make copyright infringement. It seems that it wasn't right, I cannot satisfy everyone.
I didn't know that I have to ask for permission to convert a plugin. If you like working on it, then OK. I'm pulling back. You think why I did that? For myself? I didn't even mention in any file that I did that conversion. I KEPT THEM COMPLETELY IN THE SAME SHAPE besides little changes in the code required for Cotonti. I did it for the community. But some asshole like you must stand in and demand to lick his feet with words "I don't remember I was giving you a permission". Oh please. I'm deleting the files and posts and I'm no longer maintaining this conversion. I ask admin to close this topic. PS. 1. I don't see version 2.40 in your changelog, 2. I kept the flies intact, this is what I felt is right. |
This post was edited by tensh (2010-05-20 17:38, 14 years ago) |
donP |
Instead of all this copyrights battle it would be better a competition in making the best gallery plugin for Cotonti.
Many websites are still using Usergallery 2.40 version (cause is the only one has mantained category structure that - imho - is the best solution compared with folder/tags one, like 3.xx versions). I also personally converted Usergal 2.40 from Seditio to Cotonti form MY SITE (without comments and rating cause I found many problems in those parts) cause I absolutely needed it and you had taken another way than Cotonti some months ago. It's very annoying having to restart coding everything when CMF changes. This is the reason why I'm seriously thinking of leaving Cotonti due to the continuous change in core API and other parts elsewhere. in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
tensh |
donP, comments and ratings are quite easy to convert. Maybe you saw it in this conversion.
Urlkiller doesn't understand that I kept original files unchanged, I don't care if the urls are incorrect or not. If he's the "creations", then he's in the copyright. And then that "asking for permission"... fail. I converted this gallery when there was no gallery plugin for Cotonti. Maybe I'll make my own gallery plugin as well, but currently there's too many projects I'm running, including some experiments with php-gtk. |
Trustmaster |
To tell you the truth I don't like this copyright war. Converting an old umnaintained branch is not a big fault if there is no official version available. If Max's name is missing in copyrights, that's very easy to fix.
So please, urlkiller, let us know your decision: whether you want your name in copyrights and this old version to be maintained for people who want a gallery that just works, or you want it to be removed so nobody can use any version of usergallery until you make an official version for Cotonti? May the Source be with you!
tensh |
I can provide a link to the package with files changed by me. It's here.
But after urlkillers words, I don't feel like touching it anymore. Maybe someone else will do it. Instead, after some time, I'll be releasing my own plugins. |
ez |
Q: What does this gallery do ??? (I have never tried it, because it appeared to be unfinished...)
That was one off the reasons I created EZGallery in the first place. I felt a gallery was missing in Cotonti. gr, EZ ==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
Kingsley |
@ EZ
Seeing urlkiller won't allow his seditio plugin to be ported, and Cotonti is in need of a good Gallery, my question to you is if you want to continue your work on EzGallery, and give the cotonti community a working Gallery. Think you would make lots of people happy if you do that. |
donP |
UserGallery 2.40 was great because you could create category structure and assign every user folder to the category you wanted (next newer version of UserGallery didn't permit that).
In addiction, many old Seditio websites (like mine) had that UserGallery version installed. So, that was the reason I personally ported the plugin when I switched to Cotonti... Now I think a good gallery system for Cotonti would have perfect integration with Cotonti PFS (that is also still so immature) and the use of last jQuery tricks. But a must have is the CATEGORY STRUCTURE, elsewhere we'll have a million-folders gallery ![]() in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
urlkiller |
no no. not get this wrong.
all i asked is to correct the copyright thing in the version tensh wanted to release. all i got was the answer that i need the authorisation of the original author of that plugin. so iam the orig developer of that plugin and i want that the correct backlink to the usergal site! (the domain with hakozaki.info in it!) thats all. tensh: so just wanted to make that point clear! on my site i had written that you can do whatever you want to do with the code. its completly up to you! you can use it free for commercial / private whatever plugins. BUT i wanted to get mentioned! the right way! and since the release of 2.4 alot has changed so please just correct the url thing for others to explore further releases of that plugin! @all that was never intentioned to be a copyright discussion! URL shortener: <a href="http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7">http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7</a>
ez |
How were these categories created ?
Were are they comming from, for folders this is not standard ? (I hate corehacking... sometimes it is needed, but I will avoid it) In this plug the categories were predefined (in a setup ? ) or could anyone make a category ??? ==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
pieter |
I love the gallery. It is a very nice one. Especially the categories. The categories are made by the admin. Under admin-->tools ![]() But a user can select the category if he makes a new folder in his PFS ![]() Only minus are: - one corehack for PFS (to make the selection of the cat possible) - If you click on a picture it will open in popup (this is good) but there is NO next and previous button to explore the rest of the album. (Only slideshow is possible to get a effect like this) For this I want to give make thanks to: - URLKILLER to make the plugin - Tensh to convert it to cotonti. ... can we help you ...
This post was edited by pieter (2010-05-21 02:26, 14 years ago) |