Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / [CONVERSION] UserGallery 2.40 - TOPIC FOR DELETION

#24643 2010-05-21 02:15

I love the gallery. It is a very nice one. Especially the categories.

The categories are made by the admin. Under admin-->tools

But a user can select the category if he makes a new folder in his PFS

Only minus are:
- one corehack for PFS (to make the selection of the cat possible)
- If you click on a picture it will open in popup (this is good) but there is NO next and previous button to explore the rest of the album. (Only slideshow is possible to get a effect like this)

For this I want to give make thanks to:
- URLKILLER to make the plugin
- Tensh to convert it to cotonti.
... can we help you ...
This post was edited by pieter (2010-05-21 02:26, 13 years ago)