Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / [CONVERSION] UserGallery 2.40 - TOPIC FOR DELETION

#24633 2010-05-20 16:47
I had the old files and I didn't change anything in the headers and tpl not to make copyright infringement. It seems that it wasn't right, I cannot satisfy everyone.

I didn't know that I have to ask for permission to convert a plugin.
If you like working on it, then OK. I'm pulling back.
You think why I did that? For myself? I didn't even mention in any file that I did that conversion. I KEPT THEM COMPLETELY IN THE SAME SHAPE besides little changes in the code required for Cotonti. I did it for the community. But some asshole like you must stand in and demand to lick his feet with words "I don't remember I was giving you a permission". Oh please.

I'm deleting the files and posts and I'm no longer maintaining this conversion.

I ask admin to close this topic.


1. I don't see version 2.40 in your changelog,
2. I kept the flies intact, this is what I felt is right.
This post was edited by tensh (2010-05-20 17:38, 13 years ago)