Forums / Cotonti / Support / Avatars won't upload.


#1 2009-08-02 03:00
When you go to Profile and try to upload a avatar on my site, it won't upload and shows a "broken" icon that I think represents the image.
I have repeatedly install Cotonti and CHMODed all the folders in /Datas/ to 777. I can still upload photos. Its just the avatars.
My site is

Added 35 minutes later:

EDIT: I Re-Installed Cotonti, but It still happpening

Added 51 minutes later:

Please help?
This post was edited by iSnipe (2009-08-02 04:27, 15 years ago)
#2 2009-08-02 05:50
Well can't view your site cause its under review.

Are you receiving an error, if so please post it exactly.
#3 2009-08-02 06:15
Thats the thing. I dont get an error.
You just cant upload an avatar. When you try, it says : Updated
But ur avatar doesnt show. Instead, theres a broken image icon. i chmoded, did a fresh install and still nothing
#4 2009-08-02 07:05
I actually don't recall if avatar shows error's. Try uploading your avatar straight into PFS, it will say if there are any errors
#5 2009-08-02 07:35
k i have to wait till the host checks the site. But when I upload an avatar through Profile, it doesnt upload to datas/avatar/.
I checked on mah FTP
#6 2009-08-02 15:30
Please check:
  1. Administration => Configuration => Users => Avatar options
  2. These options of you php.ini/phpinfo: file_uploads, upload_max_filesize, upload_tmp_dir
May the Source be with you!
#7 2009-08-02 21:34
I uploaded photos through pfs, and no problem. But Avatars wont upload.
@Trustmaster: I went to users and I had the settings at 180x180 and 8000 kb. I tried to upload a .png .gif, and .jpg to no avail.
How do you do the second step?
#8 2009-08-02 22:35
Create a new PHP file.

Call it phpinfo.php

Paste this code inside:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Upload phpinfo.php to your /www folder.

Simply point your browser to and then find this lines:
file_uploads, upload_max_filesize, upload_tmp_dir

And write back here with the info.

For example:
file_uploads	On	On
upload_max_filesize	64M	64M
upload_tmp_dir	X:\xampp\tmp	X:\xampp\tmp
#9 2009-08-02 23:24
Got the same error.
The avatar size is normal.No errors appear.When i check /datas/avatars/ i see that its empty.
Through the hidemenu i have an avatar shown.If the avatar is chosen from the default avatar list it works.But if i upload an avatar it shows : /.datas/avatars/1-avatar.gif

This has been checked on localhost and on a host.DB was also checked.

Добавлено 1 час 40 Минут спустя:

eeeeeehh.I found whats the problem.This is a bug.The defaul avatar dir for upload is really set to ".datas/avatars"(not "datas/avatars").

Here is a simple temporary solution - in the sites root folder create a folder and name it ".datas",and create a "avatars" folder in it...this will work

Добавлено 25 Минут спустя:

found what was wrong.
change $cfg['av_dir'] = '.datas/avatars/';
$cfg['av_dir'] = 'datas/avatars/';
in datas/config.php
[url=]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
This post was edited by SunChase (2009-08-03 01:31, 15 years ago)
#10 2009-08-03 02:47
Thanks for the catch, i've fixed it in svn
#11 2009-08-07 00:22
the avatars on my site arn't working I did what you said and this is what came up.

file_uploads	On	On
upload_max_filesize 2M 2M 
upload_tmp_dir /tmp /tmp 
user_dir no value 
This post was edited by Kilandor (2009-08-07 04:07, 15 years ago)
#12 2009-08-07 04:08
Removed the PHPinfo link, its not recommended to publicly place those

Did you modify and fix your config.php with the above?
#13 2009-08-07 05:44
i found out that if the Hosts OS is linux(or ect.) then ".datas/avatars"(not "datas/avatars" is correct.You need to remove the dot if the host runs of a Windows hosting
[url=]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
#14 2009-08-07 09:03
# Kilandor : Removed the PHPinfo link, its not recommended to publicly place those

Did you modify and fix your config.php with the above?

there's nothing that I can really modify the only things that are in any way related are
$cfg['dir_perms'] = 0777;
$cfg['file_perms'] = 0664;

which does this need to be changed to 0777

and this
$cfg['av_dir'] = 'datas/avatars/';
does this need to be changed in anyway like SunChase said above ^

do I need to rename my datas folder to .datas

Thx for your help
#15 2009-08-07 14:46
You don't need to rename any folders, just make sure $cfg['av_dir'] is set to
$cfg['av_dir'] = 'datas/avatars/';
in your datas/config.php
May the Source be with you!
