Forums / Cotonti / Support / Avatars won't upload.

#15387 2009-08-02 23:24
Got the same error.
The avatar size is normal.No errors appear.When i check /datas/avatars/ i see that its empty.
Through the hidemenu i have an avatar shown.If the avatar is chosen from the default avatar list it works.But if i upload an avatar it shows : /.datas/avatars/1-avatar.gif

This has been checked on localhost and on a host.DB was also checked.

Добавлено 1 час 40 Минут спустя:

eeeeeehh.I found whats the problem.This is a bug.The defaul avatar dir for upload is really set to ".datas/avatars"(not "datas/avatars").

Here is a simple temporary solution - in the sites root folder create a folder and name it ".datas",and create a "avatars" folder in it...this will work

Добавлено 25 Минут спустя:

found what was wrong.
change $cfg['av_dir'] = '.datas/avatars/';
$cfg['av_dir'] = 'datas/avatars/';
in datas/config.php
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This post was edited by SunChase (2009-08-03 01:31, 14 years ago)