Forums / Cotonti / Development / Siena Beta Testing


Bugfixing and evaluation cycle started

#151 2011-02-18 22:00
For plugins:
<!-- IF {PHP.cot_plugins_active.pluginname} --><!-- ENDIF -->
For modules:
<!-- IF {PHP.cot_modules.modulename} --><!-- ENDIF -->
#152 2011-02-19 02:54
better for siena is - alphafilters
but not yours... - мой маленький зарождающийся блог о котонти.
снижение стоимости программирования и снижение стоимости производства разные вещи. Первое можно скорее сравнить с раздачей работникам дешевых инструментов, чем со снижением зарплаты
#153 2011-02-19 18:04
Nota bene: We encourage Siena plugin developers to release their work under open source licenses and commit their developments to our branches/plugins/siena SVN folder. Proprietary extensions and those hosted on 3rd party servers will miss some features in the Extensions repository like automatic packaging.

Added 2 hours 43 minutes later:

# pieter : It is enabled.
page.tpl :

Average gives 0, display gives nothing.

What do I need to do for ratings? CSS, jquery, ... ?

Added 4 hours 9 minutes later:

After reinstall of new version. Comments gives strange things.
comments_code_admin comments_code_edit
It is due the recent items when used in header.

Recentitems/comments bug fixed.

As for ratings, please check if ratings are enabled in Admin => Config => Page => Enable ratings.
May the Source be with you!
This post was edited by Trustmaster (2011-02-19 20:48, 13 years ago)
#154 2011-02-20 19:58
There were problem with * in passwords in Genoa. Now the same problem with & is in Siena: it dies with message "Wrong input". It is discouraged for users.
I want Siena not to die on any input.
#155 2011-02-20 21:32
# grv87 : There were problem with * in passwords in Genoa. Now the same problem with & is in Siena: it dies with message "Wrong input". It is discouraged for users.
I want Siena not to die on any input.
As of r1857, a fatal error will show the 500 Internal Server Error message instead of the ugly error you used to get. Also I made sure that if you enter an invalid password (containing an ampersand for example), it won't be logged as plaintext in Cotonti's error log.
#156 2011-02-21 21:39
Problem 1:
I use those tags:

If I click on them I got this link:

With send a new message I will not get CKEditor only a box to enter text, no icons.

If I change
pm.php#get;pm.php;m=send manualy into pm.php?m=send
CKEditor is showing. Is it possible the links behind
are wrong?

Problem 2:
The inputbox on the signature has also only a box with a border to put in the signature.
Can this be CKEditor?

Problem 3:
{FORUM_ROW_PATH} will show me eg.Forums / Public / General discussion
How can I show only General discussion and not the whole path?
I tried {FORUM_ROW_PATH_SHORT} but this gives nothing.

Problem 4:
{COMMENTS_ROW_EDIT} seems not to work. Also not in nemesis.
Users can't edit there comments.
But it is enabled in admin.php?m=config&n=edit&o=plug&p=comments
Comments editable timeout for users: 10min.
Or do I need to enable it elsewhere?
... can we help you ...
This post was edited by pieter (2011-02-22 00:16, 13 years ago)
#157 2011-02-22 02:54
Problems 1, 2, 4 fixed in r1861. Regarding to 3, in forums.topics use {FORUMS_TOPICS_SHORTTITLE}, in forums.posts I have added {FORUMS_POSTS_CATTITLE} in r1862.
May the Source be with you!
#158 2011-02-22 03:17
# Trustmaster : Regarding to 3, in forums.topics use {FORUMS_TOPICS_SHORTTITLE}, in forums.posts I have added {FORUMS_POSTS_CATTITLE} in r1862.

I need it for recent-items. Will it work? I will test it know.

Comments is not shown in polls.tpl in the default tpl.
If I add it. I can add a comment, but get a more or less blank page.
After F5, page is reloaded and comment is visible.

Is comment_count available for Polls?

Added 1 day later:

{FORUMS_SECTIONS_ROW_LASTPOSTER} gives ID instead of name.
And link is: users.php?m=details&id=1&u=1
instead of users.php?m=details&id=1&u=pieter

So I get an error.

Added 21 minutes later:

This is the code for Polls in forum.newtopic.tpl

<div class="polloptiondiv">
<input name="deloption" value="x" type="button" class="deloption" style="display:none;" />
<!-- END: OPTIONS -->
<input id="addoption" name="addoption" value="{PHP.L.Add}" type="button" style="display:none;" /></td>

In a new skin I get:

Where are the buttons defined? I can't find it.
I mean the X and the ADD

Added 16 hours 15 minutes later:

This solves the problem from the link. But it is displaying the ID instead of the NAME.

Posted by 1
instead of
Posted by Pieter

{FORUMS_SECTIONS_ROW_LASTPOSTER} is defind not well for forums.section.tpl.
In forums.topics.tpl FORUMS_SECTIONS_ROW_LASTPOSTER is define well for subforum-part
... can we help you ...
This post was edited by pieter (2011-02-24 20:21, 13 years ago)
#159 2011-02-25 01:37
I can't reproduce LASTPOSTER bug, it works fine on my local installs with different databases.

X and ADD buttons are actually
<input name="deloption" value="x" type="button" class="deloption" style="display:none;" />
<input id="addoption" name="addoption" value="{PHP.L.Add}" type="button" style="display:none;" />

Added 27 minutes later:

Polls comments link is fixed now. Separate tag for comment count has been added.
May the Source be with you!
This post was edited by Trustmaster (2011-02-25 02:04, 13 years ago)
#160 2011-02-25 15:11
If gives:
Comments Total: 4, on page: 3
Is it ment to be like this?
The 4 is the total comments on the Whole site, not only this page.

I thought that if you have 30 comments on one page and only displayed 5 per page, it would give:
Comments Total: 30, on page: 5


Added 11 hours 29 minutes later:

Signature is still not ok.
There is no CKeditor present.

I'm admin, but can't edit the page via {PAGE_ADMIN_EDIT}
if I didn't create the page.
Edit link is not shown.

If I created the page, edit link is shown.

Is {PAGE_ADMIN_UNVALIDATE} still used? Because it is showing nothing.
Is {PAGE_ADMIN_COUNT} still used? Because it is showing nothing.
... can we help you ...
This post was edited by pieter (2011-02-26 02:42, 13 years ago)
#161 2011-02-26 22:43
in Siena, is it possible to have custom tpl's for each page category? ive tried to accomplish this using the old ways by making page.list.*.tpl however i cant get it to work. ive also tried putting this in both the pages tpl folder, and my themes tpl folder and i havent gotten any luck. is there something im doing wrong?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
#162 2011-02-26 22:50
I created and this works.

I have put this in the /themes/my_theme/
... can we help you ...
#163 2011-02-26 22:55
lol.. i feel kind of ashamed admitting this, but when i renamed my tpl file in my ftp program i forgot to add the .tpl. It does work, just a really stupid mistake on my end.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
#164 2011-02-27 04:12
# pieter : Comments:
If gives:
Comments Total: 4, on page: 3
Is it ment to be like this?
The 4 is the total comments on the Whole site, not only this page.

I thought that if you have 30 comments on one page and only displayed 5 per page, it would give:
Comments Total: 30, on page: 5


Added 11 hours 29 minutes later:

Signature is still not ok.
There is no CKeditor present.

I'm admin, but can't edit the page via {PAGE_ADMIN_EDIT}
if I didn't create the page.
Edit link is not shown.

If I created the page, edit link is shown.

Is {PAGE_ADMIN_UNVALIDATE} still used? Because it is showing nothing.
Is {PAGE_ADMIN_COUNT} still used? Because it is showing nothing.
Comments bug - I could not reproduce it.

To enable CKEditor in signature, you need to allow HTML and images in them. Go to Administration => Configuration => Users.

The bug with PAGE_ADMIN_* tags output is fixed in r1878.
May the Source be with you!
#165 2011-02-27 20:23
Is there a way to show emailadres in profile?

Added 4 hours 36 minutes later:

# pieter : $R['icon_down'] did not work.
I used $R['users_link_sort'] and this worked, thx
$R['users_link_sort'] = '<a href="{$asc_url}" rel="nofollow"><img class="icon" src="themes/symisun-03/img/system/arrow-down.gif" alt="" /></a> <a href="{$desc_url}" rel="nofollow"><img class="icon" src="themes/symisun-03/img/system/arrow-up.gif" alt="" /></a> {$text}';
This did work. I think, but not anymore.

I added also the following in theme.php but it does not work.

$R['forums_icon_posts'] = '<img class="icon" src="themes/symisun-03/img/system/posts.gif" alt="'.$L['forums_nonewposts'].'" />';
$R['forums_icon_posts_hot'] = '<img class="icon" src="themes/symisun-03/img/system/posts_hot.gif" alt="'.$L['forums_nonewpostspopular'].'" />';
$R['forums_icon_posts_locked'] = '<img class="icon" src="themes/symisun-03/img/system/posts_locked.gif" alt="'.$L['forums_locked'].'" />';
$R['forums_icon_posts_moved'] = '<img class="icon" src="themes/symisun-03/img/system/posts_moved.gif" alt="'.$L['forums_movedoutofthissection'].'" />';
$R['forums_icon_posts_new'] = '<img class="icon" src="themes/symisun-03/img/system/posts_new.gif" alt="'.$L['forums_newposts'].'" />';
$R['forums_icon_posts_new_hot'] = '<img class="icon" src="themes/symisun-03/img/system/posts_new_hot.gif" alt="'.$L['forums_newpostspopular'] .'" />';
$R['forums_icon_posts_new_locked'] = '<img class="icon" src="themes/symisun-03/img/system/posts_new_locked.gif" alt="'.$L['forums_newpostslocked'].'" />';
$R['forums_icon_posts_new_sticky'] = '<img class="icon" src="themes/symisun-03/img/system/posts_new_sticky.gif" alt="'.$L['forums_newpostssticky'].'" />';
$R['forums_icon_posts_new_sticky_locked'] = '<img class="icon" src="themes/symisun-03/img/system/posts_new_sticky_locked.gif" alt="'.$L['forums_newannouncment'].'" />';
$R['forums_icon_posts_sticky'] = '<img class="icon" src="themes/symisun-03/img/system/posts_sticky.gif" alt="'.$L['forums_sticky'].'" />';
$R['forums_icon_posts_sticky_locked'] = '<img class="icon" src="themes/symisun-03/img/system/posts_sticky_locked.gif" alt="'.$L['forums_announcment'].'" />';
$R['forums_icon_subforum'] = '<img class="icon" src="modules/forums/img/subforum.png" alt="{PHP.L.Subforum}" />';

How does this work?
$cfg['defaulticons'] = 'default'; // Default icon pack
... can we help you ...
This post was edited by pieter (2011-02-28 01:03, 13 years ago)
