Pablo 92 |
hello. I changed my header image. Now i have bigger image tham standard. Background it's ok, but the menu links be in center of banner. How change it? My site: Sorry for my bad ENG ^^
This post was edited by Pablo 92 (2009-07-30 21:08, 15 years ago) |
musiconly |
find: #header #navBar { width:800px; height:30px; margin-top:1px; } change to: #header #navBar { width:800px; height:30px; margin-top:130px; } ok? |
Pablo 92 |
now is ok
![]() ![]() What i must modify to have header in php?? Sorry for my bad ENG ^^
pieter |
What do you mean, can you explain what you mean?
... can we help you ...
musiconly |
# Pablo 92 : now is ok You want to insert PHP code in header.tpl? |
Pablo 92 |
yes, i want insert php with picture rotator in header
Sorry for my bad ENG ^^
pieter |
Pablo, there is a plugin for picture rotate.
See: and ... can we help you ...
Pablo 92 |
Dave |
pablo napisz po polsku a ja postaram sie przetlumaczyc
ill try to translate what he means... imo simply he wants rotate banner Your advertisement here :-)
Cotonti Genoa based site: |
Pablo 92 |
Cieszę się że jest jakiś polak
![]() Chciałbym aby cały header był w php, ponieważ chcę zakodować banner tak, aby wstawić rotator bannerów w php. Nie chcę aby cały banner sie zmieniał, a jedynie ten obrazek zaznaczony na zdjęciu które dałem wyżej. Cięzko to wytłumaczyć ![]() Sorry for my bad ENG ^^
pieter |
banner rotate rotates some images you specify.
It is not needed to rotate the whole banner. You can choose which pictures need to be rotating. You only need to make a box where you want to add the rotating images. In this box you place the TAG for the bannerrotate plugin. You can call it a picture rotate plugin. If just rotates pictures on page-refresh. ... can we help you ...
Dave |
pieter saves the day, pablo its ur answer from him
Your advertisement here :-)
Cotonti Genoa based site: |
Pablo 92 |
Yes, i Done it! I add to header.tpl java script. All works!
![]() Header: <!-- BEGIN: HEADER --> {HEADER_DOCTYPE} <html xmlns="" > <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="{HEADER_META_CONTENTTYPE}; charset={HEADER_META_CHARSET}" /> <meta name="description" content="{HEADER_META_DESCRIPTION}" /> <meta name="keywords" content="{HEADER_META_KEYWORDS}" /> <meta name="generator" content="Cotonti" /> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="Fri, Apr 01 1974 00:00:00 GMT" /> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="last-modified" content="{HEADER_META_LASTMODIFIED} GMT" /> {HEADER_HEAD} {HEADER_BASEHREF} <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" /> <link href="skins/{}/{PHP.theme}.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> {HEADER_COMPOPUP} <title>{HEADER_TITLE}</title> </head> <!-- SED-Dark / Designed By: Xiode - XiodeStudios.Com & Alx - / Programming By: Xiode - XiodeStudios.Com --> <!-- Copyright (c) XiodeStudios.Com. All Rights Reserved. Please read included Readme for more information. --> <body> <div id="top"> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> <div id="userBar"> <br> <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ Array.prototype.random = function(limit) { if (typeof limit == 'undefined' || limit < 0) limit = 1; else if (!limit) limit = this.length; for (var i = 0, source = this, target = new Array(), n = source.length; i < limit && n > 0; i++) { do { var index = Math.random(); } while (index == 1); index = Math.floor(index * n); target.push(source[index]); source[index] = source[--n]; } return target; } document.write(new Array( // Tu wpisz kolejne elementy: '<img width="300" height="150" src="">', '<img width="300" height="150" src="">' ).random().join('')); // ]]> </script> </div> <div id="navBar"> <div class="text">{PHP.cfg.menu1}</div> <div class="homeLink"><a href="{PHP.cfg.mainurl}" title="{PHP.L.Home}">{PHP.L.Home}</a></div> </div> </div> <div id="content"> <!-- END: HEADER --> My site: Sorry for my bad ENG ^^