Forums / Cotonti / Support / Documentation requests


Want some docs? We can make them come true!

#1 2009-07-17 01:13
If you haven't found some useful information in the Documentation section or here on forums, you may request for it here in this topic.

Please describe what you would like to know and what that document should contain. If your request is considered useful for the Community in general, we will make it for you. The document type may be: reference, article, tutorial, HOWTO, screencast or a translation of an existing article.

Don't hesitate asking! It will help everyone, not just you.
May the Source be with you!
#2 2009-07-17 14:18
I'd like the following things:

1. Detailed Tutorial on how we can customize Cotonti (I can participate here), maybe "Customization" category with many articles inside.

2. Detailed Tutorial about plugin development, a breakdown of:
- overall description on how plugins work (hooks, etc)
- plugin settings description
- plugin parts: a list of parts, what's this and how to use it.
- plugin rights
- how to make plugins with templates
- how to incorporate comments, rating system to plugins and also a textboxer (and captcha?).
- how to make "tools" (plugins that are in administration section)
- security advisories
- best ways to debug plugins

Not only this is interesting, but will encourage many new users to start writing plugins ^^

Added 3 days later:

Hmm... so many people crying for documentation, so little of them giving actual requests? Strange.

Added 10 days later:

Hi again,

Now I noticed that there's something like "custom rights" in Admin area! Wow!... I'd like to know its uses. Can they be programmed by a plugin and used through the site? I'd like a sample tutorial for setuping a simple permission through this system.
This post was edited by tensh (2009-07-31 02:21, 15 years ago)
#3 2009-07-31 02:38
You mean advanced rights like 12345?
May the Source be with you!
#4 2009-07-31 03:03
Yep, exactly. :)
#5 2009-07-31 03:19
Basicly, Kilandor wrote a nice article about Seditio Auth System. But as I see Advanced permissions are not covered there, which can be added to that article. It's very simple: these are operated the same way as RWA, but they are not used anywhere by Cotonti itself (except for 1 which is used for page downloads) so they are left there for plugin developers.
May the Source be with you!
#6 2009-07-31 15:06
So I can access e.g. the permission 2 by writing sed_auth('plug', 'myplug', '2')?
There are only 5 additional permissions and there cannot me more?
Also, how can I tell the plugin in plugin config file to display the additional permission in plugin rights screen?

I mean this:

Maybe e.g. Auth_members=RW2 ? Can I assign the default rights also to other usergroups based on alias?


I'm so curious about any aspect of the plugins. ^^ I'm pretty successful with writing my own, I'll publish some when they will be ready, just I want to have total control and know all tips and tricks.
#7 2009-07-31 15:22
So I can access e.g. the permission 2 by writing sed_auth('plug', 'myplug', '2')?
There are only 5 additional permissions and there cannot me more?
Also, how can I tell the plugin in plugin config file to display the additional permission in plugin rights screen?
It won't display them by default anyways, you need to click the "Advanced" button to see them. But at least to let people set these permissions, you should remove the locks, e.g.:
Maybe e.g. Auth_members=RW2 ? Can I assign the default rights also to other usergroups based on alias?
No, it is currently unsupported.
May the Source be with you!
#8 2009-07-31 15:28
OK, everything's clear, thanks :)
#9 2011-03-13 01:37

all Seditios Core files

Needed to update from LDU

#10 2011-06-29 03:04

@CJ most parts of the system stayed the same. there are some changes to the system on several parts.
if you get stuck on your journey just post a question on the forums

URL shortener: <a href="!7AD5C7">!7AD5C7</a>
#11 2012-09-03 16:14

Bump! Any specific docs anybody is missing? If you want some topic to be covered and you think it is vital to have it documented, post here!

May the Source be with you!
#12 2012-09-04 08:02

Well, since you ask.
Maybe write a detailed guide about the extra fields? I know how to work with them (and I use them a lot!) but some of the options for example are of no meaning to me and don't understand what they do/how they work.
The extra fields are a great feature and deserve to be known how to be used......right? And as far as I know there is no guide, or at least no up to date info about all its features.


<img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
#13 2012-09-04 19:24

Yes, that is a must have thing for sure. I've added it to our documentation plan, thanks!

May the Source be with you!
#14 2013-11-23 22:48

wirte a documentation of converting your genoa skin to siena theme and where to start.

<a href=""></a>
#15 2013-11-24 00:33
#38555 singh336:

wirte a documentation of converting your genoa skin to siena theme and where to start.

It's a tricky process as many tags are changed from «Genoa-branch» to «Siena». Moreover some of plugins are not compatible through branches, so these tags are completelly useless.
And finally it depends on whether or not you genoa-skin is based on standard one (packed with Genoa) skin.

So… the best (and faster) way is to manually recreate your skin for Siena. I recomend to use one of the standard theme for Siena to upgrade it to yours.

Some basic info about themes you can get here:
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