SunChase |
Hi.Could some one tell me how to fix the next bug:
In my site i'm using big thumbnail's of the pictures with the jQuery plugin(like on this forum) The parameters of the thumbnails are aprocsimately: 600x400px On this i found the next problem: If i upload a picture with 1000x600px parameters it generates a thumbnail with the defined settings. But if i upload a picture with 300x200px is still generates a thumbnail with the defined parameters loosing the quality of the picture. Is there some way to fix this? [url=]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
GHengeveld |
This is not a PFS bug, it is related to the script you're using to resize images on the fly.
But thanks for giving me this heads-up, I got some great new ideas for the new PFS system now. How about on-the-fly thumbnail generation (with cache ofcourse)? |
SunChase |
# Koradhil : How about on-the-fly thumbnail generation (with cache ofcourse)? hm.I dont really know what it shall be, but sound's good. If you need some ideas for the PFS i can help alitle. 1.There is an option in the PFS configuration(priority field on creating thumbnails:height\width) in which i can only choose Height or Width.Can there be some middle choise.I mean - The thumbnail is first checked on width and than on height. I'll try to explain why this is needed on my situation. Using news mod i put out on the main page the articles with the thumbnails of the pictures. By default i use 600x400px on thumbnails.If i upload a piture with 1000 width and 500height and set in the PFS's config "height" it will shrink the picture only to suit the height's limit and shrink the image to aprocsimately 900x400.This will make a problem.And using "width" parameter i'll still get a bad result. 2.The PFS inside isnt so convinient.But i think this thing i'll solve by myself. if you need more ideas on PFS PM me. [url=]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
GHengeveld |
Your problem is exactly the reason for considering on-the-fly thumbnail generation. What I have in mind is very much like this script. It will allow you to set a width, height and aspect ratio for each thumbnail individually.
SunChase |
hm.But will it work with Thumbnail viewer plugin?
[url=]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
GHengeveld |
It probably will, but that depends on the way it is implemented.
If you have any good ideas for the PFS please post them in this topic. |
SunChase |
Ok.How about this:
The PFS menu has general folders like Pictures,audio,video and ect. When a person just uploads a picture or something it will automaticaly(depending on the type) will be stored to one of this folders. Each of this general folders have they'r unique style and formation.For example: Folder "Pictures". Columns:Thumbnail(with an actual picture),Full file(link and name to the full version of the file),Width\height,size,format(jpg,png,bmp),Action buttons(Delete,Rename,mb button to re-generate the thumbnail with other height\width) Why thumbnail and full file together?Cause it will be more easier to user to just push on the thumbnail istead of scrolling and looking for the button(insert as thumbnail) In this folder a person can easelly create other folders(which will have the same design as "Pictures") Folder "Audio". Columns:Name,ID3 tag,Duration,Format,Actions(delete,rename,post as link,post as player) Folder "Temp". In these folder are stored files,which could be deleted automaticaly after a defined by user period of time. When uploading a file the user will have the next choise(Upload automaticaly,Upload to specific folder,Upload to Temp) Thanks to this the user will have more organised and optimised sorounding,in which he will spend less time find something. [url=]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity