Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / [Official] Plugin Suggestion


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#16 2009-02-09 00:57
haha yeah that sucks me and brock were discussing this idea all yesterday and planning it out. as he said, what exactly is not done with the profiles that you would like to see done? i know im always looking for something to do.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
#17 2009-02-09 03:15
i have something just for you guys.. :-)

Send A Gift - if you are registered on Facebook, you must know about this.. You visit user's profile, choose a gift for him/her and send it.. Gift will be published on users profile, and below it will be shown who sent it..

also, you could try with "UserBlogs".. but improved version :-)

hmm.. MovieGallery anyone :)

Facebook-like Status - What are you doing? MusicOnly is writing a wish list for Cotonti Santa :-P

just random things popping in my mind :-D
This post was edited by musiconly (2009-02-09 03:32, 16 years ago)
#18 2009-02-09 08:25
@File repository: I have a PFS Explorer plugin for Seditio that I could port to Cotonti. It doesn't really do all you want but it might help. See here.
#19 2009-02-09 16:09
It's looking nice, be sure to port it to Cotonti :-)

I think i know how's it working, correct me if I'm wrong : it displays content of site file space - that means that every folder and file created and uploaded through PFS to Site File Space gets displayed in a nicer way
#20 2009-02-09 17:14
Indeed, it just loads the PFS folders and files from the database and displays them in an Explorer kind of way. I am planning to extend it with a script that checks to see if there are any files in datas/users that are not set in the database, and if so, adds them to the database. This will mostly be helpfull for uploading many files at once, such as an image gallery.
#21 2009-02-10 07:45
# Koradhil : Indeed, it just loads the PFS folders and files from the database and displays them in an Explorer kind of way. I am planning to extend it with a script that checks to see if there are any files in datas/users that are not set in the database, and if so, adds them to the database. This will mostly be helpfull for uploading many files at once, such as an image gallery.

I think that's a good idea, possibly for the core. All you have to do is name your files for the correct user ID, if not, perhaps it should go in the site PFS.
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#22 2009-02-10 16:16
there was plugin called mass import, but i don't remember how it worked, or what it did
#23 2009-02-11 04:27
Thanks for that Antar. I modified it, so it's more usable:
#24 2009-02-11 04:40
I don't think there was ever one but.... a couple of forum plugins would be nice.

This really should be an all in one plugin how others do it, basicly moderation options.

It would support Split/Merge atleast those. Maybe as well as delete options or such for easy mass deleting.

There would be a check box added to each post, this could carry across each possible page of a thread (this would have to be accomplished some how with JS/Ajax).

When i'm ready I can from a select box chose one of those actions and submit it to happen.

For Split, It would give the options to Split Those posts, and move them to a newly created thread.

For Merge, the selected posts could be merged into an existing thread (the ID would have to be supplied).

I feel like i'm missing a couple options from that, but that would atleast start to make a great plugin.
#25 2009-02-25 04:31

Notify on new comments:

-notify PAGE OWNERS through PM or EMail about new comments on their pages ( could also be used with user wall)
#26 2009-08-30 05:24
A plugin which keeps track of all IP's a user uses to login to the site. Right now you only see the latest IP used (in the user details with admin edit) while all old used IP's are stored anyway. (saved with forum posts).
When a site gets bigger more people with bad attitude tend to join, and with such a thing its easier to keep track of their doings :)
<img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
#27 2009-09-01 21:15
Hey Crazy Dyllon,
Update the Forums Shop to Cotoni mucker still love it :)

Btw : how are u doing long time no see :)
NewMega V2 - My New Project TV and Online Radio -
This post was edited by Pimenta (2009-09-01 21:25, 15 years ago)
