Functions Summary | |
array | cot_generate_pagetags(mixed page_data, string tag_prefix, int textlength, bool admin_rights, bool pagepath_home, string emptytitle) Returns all page tags for coTemplate |
integer | cot_page_add(array rpage, array auth) Adds a new page to the CMS. |
array | cot_page_auth(string cat) Returns permissions for a page category. |
static array | cot_page_config_order(bool adminpart) Possible values for category sorting order |
boolean | cot_page_delete(int id, array rpage) Removes a page from the CMS. |
string | cot_page_enum(mixed categories, integer count, string template, string order, string condition, mixed active_only, boolean use_subcat, boolean exclude_current, string blacklist, string pagination, integer cache_ttl) Generates page list widget |
array | cot_page_import(string source, array rpage, array auth) Imports page data from request parameters. |
string | cot_page_status(int page_state, int page_begin, int page_expire) Determines page status |
int | cot_page_sync(string cat) Recalculates page category counters |
boolean | cot_page_update(integer id, array rpage, array auth) Updates a page in the CMS. |
bool | cot_page_updatecat(string oldcat, string newcat) Update page category code |
boolean | cot_page_validate(array rpage) Validates page data. |
string | cot_readraw(string file) Reads raw data from file |
public array cot_generate_pagetags(mixed page_data, string tag_prefix, int textlength, bool admin_rights, bool pagepath_home, string emptytitle)
public integer cot_page_add(array rpage, array auth)
public array cot_page_auth(string cat)
public static array cot_page_config_order(bool adminpart)
public boolean cot_page_delete(int id, array rpage)
public string cot_page_enum(mixed categories, integer count, string template, string order, string condition, mixed active_only, boolean use_subcat, boolean exclude_current, string blacklist, string pagination, integer cache_ttl)
public array cot_page_import(string source, array rpage, array auth)
public string cot_page_status(int page_state, int page_begin, int page_expire)
public int cot_page_sync(string cat)
public boolean cot_page_update(integer id, array rpage, array auth)
public bool cot_page_updatecat(string oldcat, string newcat)
public boolean cot_page_validate(array rpage)
public string cot_readraw(string file)