Deprecated API


Deprecated Globals
Cotonti\cot_timezones Timezones (countrycode, GMT offset, GMT offset with DST).
Deprecated Functions
API - Functions\cot_rc_add_embed Puts a portion of embedded code into the header/footer CSS/JS resource registry.
API - Functions\cot_rc_add_file Puts a JS/CSS file into the footer resource registry to be consolidated with other such resources and stored in cache.
API - Functions\cot_rc_embed A shortcut for plain output of an embedded stylesheet/javascript in the header of the page
API - Functions\cot_rc_embed_footer A shortcut for plain output of an embedded stylesheet/javascript in the footer of the page
API - Functions\cot_rc_link_file A shortcut for plain output of a link to a CSS/JS file in the header of the page
API - Functions\cot_rc_link_footer A shortcut to append a JavaScript or CSS file to {FOOTER_JS} tag
API - Functions\cot_rc_minify JS/CSS minification function