MecTruy |
Why haven't Cotonti siena easy sef link system for seo ? yes have but not easy very mixx if cotonti siena want succes , first sef link must be good. Kurta sormuşlar senin ensen neden kalın ? diye, Kendi işimi kendim yaparımda ondan demiş...
Gökhan YILDIZ |
Actually very easy. Just need to know what you're doing. First step To achieve this, need you to write own your rules. Gökhan YILDIZ
This post was edited by Gökhan YILDIZ (2013-10-30 16:10, 11 years ago) |
MecTruy |
Mr.Gökhan for forum sef url how is setting ? can you give me example ? because i read many example but just all other pages not for forums. Kurta sormuşlar senin ensen neden kalın ? diye, Kendi işimi kendim yaparımda ondan demiş...
Gökhan YILDIZ |
Yes of course. Go to Administration Panel >> Other >> URL Editor or Settings (anyone) >> add new rule first rule Area : forums Parameters: m=*&q=* Format: {$_area}/{$m}/{$q} or {$_area}/{$m}/{$q}.html second rule Area: forums Parameters : m=*&s=* Format: {$_area}/{$m}/{$s} last rule Area: forums Parameters : m=* Format: {$_area}/{$m} Not tested but should work. Waiting for the results.
MecTruy |
it's not working, i did but gave me like this url:
Kurta sormuşlar senin ensen neden kalın ? diye, Kendi işimi kendim yaparımda ondan demiş...
Gökhan YILDIZ |
We try a different method Go to Administration Panel >> Other >> URL Editor >> URL Preset select to Genoa/Seditio Compatible and save. Open modules/forums/inc/forums.functions.php find: $cot_extrafields[$db_forum_topics] = (!empty($cot_extrafields[$db_forum_topics])) ? $cot_extrafields[$db_forum_topics] : array(); add after: /** * Cotonti sef-link function * Author Gökhan YILDIZ **/ function sef_link($cot_sef_title){ $turkish = array('ş','Ş','ı','İ','ğ','Ğ','ü','Ü','ö','Ö','ç','Ç'); $english = array('s','s','i','i','g','g','u','u','o','o','c','c'); $cot_sef_title = str_replace($turkish,$english,$cot_sef_title); $cot_sef_title = strtolower($cot_sef_title); $cot_sef_title = preg_replace('/&.+?;/', '-', $cot_sef_title); $cot_sef_title = preg_replace('/[^%a-z0-9 _-]/', '-', $cot_sef_title); $cot_sef_title = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', $cot_sef_title); $cot_sef_title = preg_replace('|-+|', '-', $cot_sef_title); $cot_sef_title = str_replace("--","-",$cot_sef_title); $cot_sef_title = trim($cot_sef_title, '-'); return $cot_sef_title; } find: $tmp[] = array(cot_url('forums', 'm=topics&s=' . $x), $structure['forums'][$x]['title']); replace: $tmp[] = array('forums/topics/' . $cat.'/', $structure['forums'][$x]['title']); find: $tag_prefix . 'URL' => cot_url('forums', 'm=topics&s=' . $cat), replace: $tag_prefix . 'URL' => 'forums/topics/' . $cat.'/', find: $tag_prefix . 'LASTPOST' => cot_rc_link($new_elems ? cot_url('forums', 'm=posts&q=' . $stat['fs_lt_id'] . '&n=unread', '#unread') : cot_url('forums', 'm=posts&q=' . $stat['fs_lt_id'] . '&n=last', '#bottom'), cot_cutstring($stat['fs_lt_title'], 32)), replace: $tag_prefix . 'LASTPOST' => cot_rc_link($new_elems ? 'forums/posts/' . $stat['fs_lt_id'] . '/unread/#unread' : 'forums/posts/' . $stat['fs_lt_id'] . '/'.sef_link($stat['fs_lt_title']).'/last/#bottom', cot_cutstring($stat['fs_lt_title'], 32)), find: $tag_prefix . 'LASTPOST_URL' => $new_elems ? cot_url('forums', 'm=posts&q=' . $stat['fs_lt_id'] . '&n=unread', '#unread') : cot_url('forums', 'm=posts&q=' . $stat['fs_lt_id'] . '&n=last', '#bottom'), replace: $tag_prefix . 'LASTPOST_URL' => $new_elems ? 'forums/posts/' . $stat['fs_lt_id'] . '/'.sef_link($stat['fs_lt_title']).'/unread/#unread' : 'forums/posts/' . $stat['fs_lt_id'] . '/'.sef_link($stat['fs_lt_title']).'/last/#bottom', save and reload ftp. open modules/forums/inc/forums.topics.php find: cot_redirect(cot_url('forums', "m=topics&s=".$s, '', true)); replace: cot_redirect('forums/topics/".$s."/', '', true); find: $row['ft_url'] = cot_url('forums', "m=posts&q=".$row['ft_movedto']); replace: $row['ft_url'] = "forums/posts/".$row['ft_movedto']."/".sef_link($row['ft_title'])."/"; find: $row['ft_lastposturl'] = cot_url('forums', "m=posts&q=".$row['ft_movedto']."&n=last", "#bottom"); replace: $row['ft_lastposturl'] = "forums/posts/".$row['ft_movedto']."/".sef_link($row['ft_title'])."/last/#bottom"; find: $row['ft_url'] = cot_url('forums', "m=posts&q=".$row['ft_id']); replace: $row['ft_url'] = "forums/posts/".$row['ft_id']."/".sef_link($row['ft_title'])."/"; find: $row['ft_lastposturl'] = ($usr['id'] > 0 && $row['ft_updated'] > $usr['lastvisit']) ? cot_url('forums', "m=posts&q=".$row['ft_id']."&n=unread", "#unread") : cot_url('forums', "m=posts&q=".$row['ft_id']."&n=last", "#bottom"); replace: $row['ft_lastposturl'] = ($usr['id'] > 0 && $row['ft_updated'] > $usr['lastvisit']) ? "forums/posts/".$row['ft_id']."/unread/#unread" : "forums/posts/".$row['ft_id']."/last/#bottom"; find: $jumpbox[cot_url('forums', "m=topics&s=".$key, '', true)] = $val['tpath']; replace: $jumpbox["forums/topics/".$key."/, '', true"] = $val['tpath']; save and reload ftp .htaccess (upload your root directory) Options -Indexes RewriteEngine On RewriteBase "/" RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^forums/([^/-]+)/$ forums.php?m=$1& [L,NC] RewriteRule ^forums/([^/-]+)/([^/-]+)/$ forums.php?m=$1&s=$2& [L,NC] RewriteRule ^forums/posts/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)/$ forums.php?m=posts&q=$1& [L,NC] RewriteRule ^forums/posts/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)/$ forums.php?m=posts&q=$1&$2& [L,NC] RewriteRule ^forums/posts/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)/([^/-]+)/$ forums.php?m=posts&q=$1&=$2&n=$3& [L,NC] Try again now Gökhan YILDIZ
This post was edited by Gökhan YILDIZ (2013-11-01 12:47, 11 years ago) |