need to hack one line
Eugene |
Hello! Just need to rewrite urls like this... /users/Eugene/blabla ( GETting that as m=details&u=*&det=*) In urleditor.functions.php I found a line (#85) if ($path[0] == 'users' && $count == 2 && !isset($_GET['m'])) so, this $count == 2 is limiting me in my task. What is the best COT-way to hack it?
Is there better way? |
Trustmaster |
Using urleditor.rewrite.first seems to be a better way if you want to reuse other stuff from that function. There's no need to overwrite most of it, you just need to put there your May the Source be with you!
Eugene |
Thank you for advice! I made this piece of code if ($path[0] == 'users' && $count == 3 && !isset($_GET['m'])) { $_GET['e'] = 'users'; $_GET['m'] = 'details'; $_GET['u'] = $path[1]; $_GET['det'] = $path[2]; return; } and in urltrans.dat users m=details&u=*&det=* users/{cot_url_username()}/{$det} Thank you ))