Forums / Cotonti / Skins / Changing style for input / Options in select

Mr G.
#1 2013-01-23 13:48



I have one question.

Is there a possibility to change the style of input for title in page.add.tpl? There is only a {PAGEADD_FORM_TITLE}, and i want to change font size only for title input, not for all inputs...


This post was edited by Mr G. (2013-02-04 10:40, 12 years ago)
#2 2013-01-23 15:57

add the following line to the js.js:


... or assign a class:


... or use plain css:

input[name=rpagetext] { font-size:2em; } - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
This post was edited by Kort (2013-01-23 16:10, 12 years ago)
Mr G.
#3 2013-01-24 12:37

Thanks for answer.

not so handy solution, but i think i have no choice :)

i thought maybe there is some trick with callbacks or $R

#4 2013-01-24 13:29

Right guess about $R, what you need to override is $R['input_text_rpagetitle'] in your theme PHP file.

May the Source be with you!
Mr G.
#5 2013-01-25 09:49
#36876 Trustmaster:

Right guess about $R, what you need to override is $R['input_text_rpagetitle'] in your theme PHP file.

Works fine, thx :)

Added 1 weeks later:

Hi, i have another question.

I have extra field select on page (License) with some options (by, by-sa, by-nc, by-nc-sa, by-nd, by-nc-nd), and in language file

ie. $L[license_by] = 'Attribution'; $L[license_by-sa]=........

, that works fine on page.edit.tpl, but on page.tpl i want to display options from db not translations, cuz it's a part of link

<a href="{PAGE_LICENSE}/3.0/pl/" title="creativecommons"><img src="{PAGE_LICENSE}/3.0/pl/88x31.png" alt="creativecommons"/></a>

Any ideas how to do it?

This post was edited by Mr G. (2013-02-04 10:49, 12 years ago)
#6 2013-02-04 17:35

There's a new type of tags recently added for that: {PAGE_LICENSE_VALUE} for instance. I'm not sure if it is already available in or you need to grab the latest version from Github to use them.

May the Source be with you!