Forums / Cotonti / Support / contact us, captcha

#1 2013-01-18 19:38

the captcha in my contact us plugin won't work.
the verify img is not showing, but when i fill in the form it does say: Wrong code from picture!

captcha manager is installed and running


if ($usr['id'] < 1 && $cfg['plugin']['contactus']['useCaptcha'] == 'Yes'){
	"CONTACTUS_VERIFYIMG" => sed_captcha_generate(),
    	"CONTACTUS_VERIFYINPUT" => "<input name=\"rverify\" type=\"text\" id=\"rverify\" size=\"24\" maxlength=\"6\" class=\"text\" />",


nvm, got aother captcha to work

This post was edited by ruben (2013-01-18 19:47, 11 years ago)