lukgoh |
Hello guys, hope all are well. I'm looking to display the date differently on the index page, maybe else where. I used the Metadates plugin before but doesnt work with Siena. I was wondering if someone has made something already? Thanks in advance, Luke. |
Trustmaster |
Yes, there's a better thing: Showing datas and times in a different format. May the Source be with you!
lukgoh |
Thank you trustmaster, I wonder why this didn't show up on my search. |
Trustmaster |
Three options:
May the Source be with you!
lukgoh |
Well thanks again Trustmaster. Don't suppose there is an easy way of reducing the month to a shorter version? (October - Oct) |
GHengeveld |
You need {PAGE_ROW_DATE_STAMP|cot_date('M', $this)} (or whatever timestamp tag you are using). The important part is the capital M, which provides a short month notation, as described here: |
lukgoh |
Thank you very much! |
Twiebie |
Fancy seeing you back here, Luke. ;) |