Do we need localization of plugin names?

28.6% 2
71.4% 5

7 Date 2012-09-24 12:42

Forums / Cotonti / Core Labs / Ideas / Poll: Localization of plugin names

Nik Samokhvalov
#1 2012-09-24 12:42


I propose to make localization of names of the plugins, as in the description of plugins.

Example (eng → rus)

"Forums" → "Форумы",
"Whos online" → "Кто онлайн?",
"Pages" → "Страницы" / "Стуктура".

If name is not localized, using default name (english). Sort plugins list in the admin by field "code".

If can't translate plugin name, localization may be based on transliteration.

Example (eng → rus)

"PhotoShop" → "Фотошоп",

"Windows" → "Виндовс".


Please vote! ;-)

Sorry for my English.
This post was edited by Trustmaster (2012-09-25 05:04, 12 years ago)