Forums / Cotonti / Support / PM Email Notification

#1 2012-09-06 14:33

Just a small query.

I admin a website hosted on godaddy and no-one gets any email notifications when PMs are received even though it is enabled in the CP.  Do you know of anything which could block this or how I can get round it?


#2 2012-09-06 14:45

Is it just the email notifications when a PM is received, or does nobody get any of the other emails that are being send from the website?

#3 2012-09-06 15:15

i dont think any of the emails get sent, as we had to set it so your account is active as soon as you register.

#4 2012-09-06 15:31

I would suggest to send a test email from the server with this snippet Trustmaster posted a while ago, just to make sure the mailserver is alright.

if (mail('', 'Testing sendmail', 'If this email does not arrive, then it is a host problem')) echo 'OK';
else echo 'Error';

Just save that on your webserver and run it in the browser with a valid email address.

#5 2012-09-06 19:00

If the script posted above fails to deliver then consider using PHPMailer plugin and some third-party SMTP account, e.g. Gmail.

May the Source be with you!
#6 2012-09-07 07:11

I've tried the script snippet and I received the email successfully.  However i've registered a test user on my site and haven't received the registration email...

I'll try the plugin and see if there's any difference.


Added 40 minutes later:

ok...using the smtp plugin didnt work either...not sure whats going on :S

This post was edited by fraze (2012-09-07 07:50, 12 years ago)
#7 2012-09-07 07:57

Also make sure "Administrator's email" setting in Administration / Configuration / Main settings belongs to the same domain you're sending from. Some hosts require that to be a valid account for sending.

May the Source be with you!
#8 2012-09-07 15:29

Not sure if it is related but I have noticed wierd mail behaviour on my new Sienna website as well.
If you would for example use the passrecover to have your password sent to you I did recieve the first email within a few minutes (not instant)! The second mail send to you after you click the confirmation links and which contains the new password came only after like 2 or even more hours.
Maybe the same goes for this? You need to be more patient?

I also had the email verification on when I just installed the latest version of Sienna but when I too recieved no mail on different test users I created I quickly disabled that feature. As far as I recall I never actually recieved those mails (but not sure on this).

Mail works just fine on this server, I run multiple sites on my own there, some sites for others and a webshop and all mail works perfect.

[add on]

Oeps, missed this before posting:

#35393 Trustmaster:

Also make sure "Administrator's email" setting in Administration / Configuration / Main settings belongs to the same domain you're sending from. Some hosts require that to be a valid account for sending.

That in fact could be the issue I will test/check/change this and get back about it.
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