Twiebie |
I've build a little plugin a while ago (with help from Luke), that shows the avatar from the last poster in the forums sections and topics list. It works quite well, but when a section contains a sub forum it will display the avatar from the user in the sub forum, instead of the avatar from a more recent topic/post in the normal (parent) section. The code: if ($y && $z) { $category = $z; } else if ($y) { $category = $y; } else if ($x) { $category = $x; } $sqllasttopic = $db->query("SELECT * FROM $db_forum_topics WHERE ft_cat=".$db->quote($category)." ORDER BY ft_updated DESC LIMIT 1"); $rowlasttopic = $sqllasttopic->fetch(); $sqllastposter = $db->query("SELECT * FROM $db_users WHERE user_id=".$db->quote($rowlasttopic['ft_lastposterid']).""); $rowlastposter = $sqllastposter->fetch(); $t->assign(array( 'POSTER_AVATAR_SECTIONS' => $rowlastposter['user_avatar'], 'POSTER_AVATAR_SECTIONS_NAME' => $rowlastposter['user_name'], )); I've tried some different combinations, but haven't managed to sort it out. Can anyone else maybe shine a light on this? |