Forums / Cotonti / Skins / [Offer] Skin order

Optimized for mobile devices

#1 2012-08-24 07:38

Hi all,

I'm willing to pay for a skin (for siena) orientated with the design on apple's website with the main idea to use the ipad for browsering.

What does that mean - using the ipad.

  • The links should not be on the text only but more like squares (e.g. so that it is possible to use one's fingers instead of the mouse.
  • Personaly I also like the Bootstrap admin skin - e.g. more icons than text links - round corner etc.

If you are interested please contact me by pm.

Payment would be through paypal. Skin is not requested to be unique and can be sold to others afterwards.

This post was edited by haidusa (2012-08-28 07:58, 12 years ago)