Twiebie |
After updating to Siena 0.9.11 the forums are folded and it's not possible to have them all unfolded except by doing it manually every time. Looks like the problem exists on aswell. Anyone else noticed? |
pieter |
And the buttons "unfold all" and "fold all" doesn't work ... can we help you ...
Trustmaster |
Yes, I see it here now. It's weird because it didn't appear before and we didn't change forums code in recent commits... May the Source be with you!
Twiebie |
Is there a temp quick fix? |
Trustmaster |
Sorry guys, I forgot to commit 1 file quite a while ago. I've repackaged 0.9.11, please redownload. This fix is this. May the Source be with you!
Twiebie |
Thanks for the quick update, Trustmaster. |
pieter |
#35054 pieter: They still don't work like they should. Fold all does the same as unfold all ... can we help you ...
Trustmaster |
Right, please make an issue for 0.9.12. May the Source be with you!