Kingsley |
when visiting admin.php?m=structure&n=forums#get;m=structure&n=forums&id= blah blah, and you press structure in the breadcrumb, it'll redirect u to page structure overview.
Added 43 minutes later: oh, and you cant seem to edit your country via index.php?e=users&m=profile tag is present, output simply isnt... |
This post was edited by Kingsley (2012-07-12 01:16, 12 years ago) |
Twiebie |
Have you got the right tag? {USERS_EDIT_COUNTRY} {USERS_PROFILE_COUNTRY} |
Trustmaster |
#34940 Kingsley: Can't confirm this. Redirects to admin.php?m=structure&n=forums for me. May the Source be with you!
Kingsley |
#34941 Twiebie: doh, offcourse..
@ trust
Trustmaster |
I was using a standard admin theme. I may be doing something wrong, so I'd like smb else confirm it. Or maybe you could provide some screenshots? May the Source be with you!
Xerora |
Kingsley is right, but is fixed in the master branch already. |
GHengeveld |
Yes, this was fixed a month ago in f888157f. |
Kingsley |
If it's fixed already, I haven't said anything ;) Don't know if that's by accident, or you guys hid it for some reason. but that one's solved too (for me at least). |