Forums / Cotonti / Bugs / structure admin bug (small)

#1 2012-07-12 00:32

when visiting admin.php?m=structure&n=forums#get;m=structure&n=forums&id= blah blah,

and you press structure in the breadcrumb, it'll redirect u to page structure overview.

Version 0.9.10
Database 0.9.9-02


Added 43 minutes later:

oh, and you cant seem to edit your country via index.php?e=users&m=profile tag is present, output simply isnt...

This post was edited by Kingsley (2012-07-12 01:16, 12 years ago)
#2 2012-07-12 08:36

Have you got the right tag?



#3 2012-07-12 12:24
#34940 Kingsley:

when visiting admin.php?m=structure&n=forums#get;m=structure&n=forums&id= blah blah,

and you press structure in the breadcrumb, it'll redirect u to page structure overview.

Can't confirm this. Redirects to admin.php?m=structure&n=forums for me.

May the Source be with you!
#4 2012-07-12 18:04
#34941 Twiebie:

Have you got the right tag?



doh, offcourse..

@ trust

I have used a complete fresh install twice, both with the same result -> redirected to pages structure from the forums..

I will test another admin skin than the standard one I am using now, and check if it will happen there too..


#5 2012-07-12 18:55

I was using a standard admin theme. I may be doing something wrong, so I'd like smb else confirm it. Or maybe you could provide some screenshots?

May the Source be with you!
#6 2012-07-13 03:05

Kingsley is right, but is fixed in the master branch already. 

#7 2012-07-13 09:28

Yes, this was fixed a month ago in f888157f.

#8 2012-07-13 16:14

If it's fixed already, I haven't said anything ;)

Oh, and the user country thingy; that one has the class hidden in the default tpl files in the module section.

Don't know if that's by accident, or you guys hid it for some reason. but that one's solved too (for me at least).