User and email check something else
oc |
I wrote this a little bit ago, but didn't published because of obvious reasons. Well, this simply makes a quickcheck email/username and alerts about password match.
12-web2reg.rar (paste these files to main plugins/ folder) [red]Alert: You need JQuery for this plugin. Either you can add this tag on header.tpl for common use, or you can add to right before {USERS_REGISTER_JAVAS} tag in users.register.tpl :[/red] <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> There are only two additions in users.register.tpl: find: <!-- BEGIN: MAIN -->add below: {USERS_REGISTER_JAVAS} change: <form name="login" action="{USERS_REGISTER_SEND}" method="post">with: <form name="login" action="{USERS_REGISTER_SEND}" method="post" onsubmit="return checkusr();"> |
This post was edited by oc (2008-08-03 19:13, 16 years ago) |
Ratibor |
In 2007 I write (public on "register new user with ajax" for latin and utf-8 code page Check user name, quantity of symbols in the password, e-mail It is checked automatically, no need push button. Sorry for russian symbols in users.register.tpl Не задавай глупых вопросов, не услышишь вранья.
This post was edited by Ratibor (2008-08-03 19:25, 16 years ago) |
n0fx |
This plug-in is useful. In 2005 I wrote same plug-in.
fedai |
# Ratibor :Error link to: # oc : "peace in the homeland, peace in the world" K.ATATÜRK
personal blog: |
This post was edited by fedai (2009-02-02 21:22, 16 years ago) |
MecTruy |
For Cotonti one here? Plugin
Kurta sormuşlar senin ensen neden kalın ? diye, Kendi işimi kendim yaparımda ondan demiş...
DemptD |
Gonna try this!
And here is the correct download link: |