GHengeveld |
Since I'm almost done with my Bachelor study of Mediatechnology (my final presentation is this friday) and the job I've accepted will start on August 1st, I'll have one month of spare time. I intend to spend some of this time working on Cotonti projects, but I'm undecided on what projects to do so I'd like to know your opinion. I have several projects that I've started in the past but never really completed, including Advanced File Manager (PFS replacement), Share (a framework for sharing things like pages/files/etc. between users), Notifier (automated email notifications; needs an upgrade to Siena) and Find (complex search engine for Cotonti). What should I work on:
Something else? Let me know. |
This post was edited by GHengeveld (2012-06-24 13:09, 12 years ago) |
fraze |
would it be possible to do the avatar selector you mentioned in my other thread :) |
GHengeveld |
That will be this week, since I need it for my final presentation ;) |
Twiebie |
Definitely improvement of the forums module. It's so outdated compared to forum software that's out there nowadays. If you decide to go for improving the forums module, I can share some ideas I talked about with Kilandor. |
GHengeveld |
Interestingly, the forums module is largely responsible for Seditio's/Cotonti's popularily, since it used to be one of the best forums systems around and it's one of the few forum systems that tightly integrates with your website. This is also one of the reasons why I put it on the list. I think it's one of Cotonti's main selling points but has been overlooked for too long, so it deserves an update. On the other hand, there's lots of other areas that need an update, and the forums module isn't that bad as it is. |
Kingsley |
Do the forums, would be my first choice.. But a nice and clean basic skin (for developers) would be nice too. And I was thinking about this: How about a (small) plugin that extracts all tags from other modules/plugins and displayes them all sorted out by plug name. (this is merely an idea, dunno if something like that would even work/is possible, and must be usefull for others too, ofcourse) anyway, these are my ideas to keep you occupied :) hope it helps :) Good luck on your presentation Gert.. Congratz on finishing and the new job! |
Twiebie |
The forums module has indeed been a good feature of Seditio and Cotonti, but in my opinion it's lacking some basic features that you get out of the box with other forums systems nowadays. Things like:
Just throwing in some ideas here. |
Dayver |
I think of your entire list of the most important three things: Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver
Eugene |
#34767 GHengeveld: API for Cotonti is really interesting. I may be wrong, but this can be great for building apps that will sync with cot-web-site. I develped small app for Android which was taken json from cot - but through simple plugin. I would be interesting to see that in the core and done right way. Repo for plugins is not what i extremely need - but that obvious need of newer part of the Cot-community. It is still not easy to look for plugins on I hope that month will be good investment of time! ;) |
GHengeveld |
#34778 Twiebie:
Twiebie |
Sounds reasonable, Gert. I think most of it should be as a plugin so admins can decide for themselves if they want to use a feature or not.
Indeed the reputation system on is very nice, it would be awesome to have it implemented in Cotonti. |
Trustmaster |
Congrats with the job, Gert! First, let's take a razor and cut off things not worth the effort:
Then, here is the list of things mentioned above of the highest priority in my opinion:
Added 19 minutes later: #34778 Twiebie:
May the Source be with you!
This post was edited by Trustmaster (2012-06-24 18:56, 12 years ago) |
Twiebie |
I will add tickets for those requests you mentioned. I think the advantage of a reputation system that shows likes/+1's/thanks per post is that other users can easily see how valuable a post is. Let's say somebody is asking for support and a user replies with the correct solution, other people can give the post a +1 so more users can easily see which post is helpful. I'm not sure how much the performance decrease would be with those extra SQL queries, but I think the goal is worth a few.
Maybe this gives a better indication of a few features:
This post was edited by Twiebie (2012-06-24 19:57, 12 years ago) |
GHengeveld |
Okay, so now that I'm done with my studies (graduated with an 8 out of 10) I've decided which projects to tackle this month. First I'll start with modifying the userimages plugin to support default (pre-uploaded) avatars. I intended to build this for the app I made for my graduation, but didn't find the time to do it. Second I'll work on Notifier. I intend to make it generic so it will work for comments, pm's and forums, but can be easily extended for other things. Where needed I'll update Cotonti's built-in email system to properly support rich HTML email. Notifier will support both plaintext and HTML email. Perhaps I'll also include some form of click-tracking into the emails, but I'm unsure about the added benefit of this feature. The new Notifier will no longer support sending PM's rather than emails. Finally I'll continue work on the mobile theme based on jQuery Mobile, but I'm not sure I'll be able to finish it. The REST API is an honourable mention, but I don't think this is what most people need right now. |
Macik |
#34823 GHengeveld: Is Notifier will use old SendMail or be extended to use SMTP (as option) ? As my own SMTP preferred not only for speed, but as more freindly for SPAM protection and other ban system. (As a practice SendMail letters are often blocked as spam by mass mail services. In addition foreign SMTP server can be improoved with SPF and DKIM). Добавлено 3 минуты спустя: If it will not use SMTP is there any ability to make a hook, so I can extended «sending routine» to simple change sendmail with own code (by adding additional plugin).
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