Forums / Cotonti / Support / Weird pfs errors

#1 2012-05-13 11:20

Have some weird errors which I not understand.


Warning: move_uploaded_file(datas/users/2/1336905953_574986_2.png) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/p29919/domains/ on line 178

Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpzMDwU7' to 'datas/users/2/1336905953_574986_2.png' in /home/p29919/domains/ on line 178

Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: No such file or directory in /home/p29919/domains/ on line 179

Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for datas/users/2/1336905953_574986_2.png in /home/p29919/domains/ on line 181

Warning: move_uploaded_file(datas/users/2/1336905953_ac9cd2_2.png) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/p29919/domains/ on line 178

Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpDCacyG' to 'datas/users/2/1336905953_ac9cd2_2.png' in /home/p29919/domains/ on line 178

Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: No such file or directory in /home/p29919/domains/ on line 179

Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for datas/users/2/1336905953_ac9cd2_2.png in /home/p29919/domains/ on line 181


When an other user tries to upload to his pfs (he's an admin) he gets the above errors. But when I upload the same images, I do not get the errors, whilst I am in the same group.
Can some one tell me what's going wrong here? thank you.

#2 2012-05-13 13:45

First check you disk quota. Sometimes this happens when you have reached the limit. Then ask your hosting support because it is a host permissions problem.

May the Source be with you!
#3 2012-05-13 18:16

But that doesnt explain why I do not have a single problem uploading the (same) images (after these errors occured); we are in the same group, same rights, etc... Next to that, it's a brand new site, with lots of diskspace availible..

Added 1 hour later:

Seeing I do not need to upload anything there, I renamed both accounts, so not it works for him. thx anyway..

This post was edited by Kingsley (2012-05-13 19:43, 12 years ago)
#4 2012-05-14 08:12

PHP doesn't care about Cotonti's groups and users when uploading files. The only difference that exists between users is their ID and so folder names are slightly different for different users (in Folder Storage Mode).

How does file path look now that you have renamed the accounts? Could you also check permissions for datas/users, datas/users/1 and datas/users/2?

May the Source be with you!
#5 2012-05-14 14:16

users: 777

users/1 and users/2 both 755

made an 3rd account and that one can upload normally too. Maybe only the 2nd account has been corrupted some how (what caused the corruption I truely do not dare to say). But seeing it's just that one account, think it's safe to say it's not a cot problem. thx anyway Trust.. :)

#6 2012-05-15 12:28

do you have several web-sites (Cots) running on one VPS?

#7 2012-05-15 13:11
