Forums / Craftwork / Jobs / Looking for Coders for multiple small plugins

#1 2012-05-05 11:22

I need several plugins for my new website but lacking time to code them. They are tiny plugins so the payment is going to be tiny aswell smiley I can transfer $ from paypal. Once they are coded they are gonna be added in cotonti site so community can also benefit them.(the prices is low because my monthly income is 125 usd atm cheeky)

1- Avatar Award Plugin. (5 USD)

users will need to have a number of forum posts in order to unlock avatars.

0 posts will have 5 basic to choose from and every 10 post will unlock another avatar

db will be id(int),name(chr),img(chr),unlock(int),type(char)

i dont want <table>'s just divs and css

BONUS: same thing just this time its not avatars its forum background you can use the type value in db for seperating this (2 USD)

2- Confirmed User Plugin (5 USD)

- Link in profile -> Confirm my id

- when clicked the site will demand real name, phone, ID number, battletag

- it will appear on admin panel like a new page approval thingy

- moderators will manually confirm and when confirmed they will be a higher rank of member group

and if declined the info they entered will be deleted. so they can apply again later.


Will add more when i need

"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."