tensh |
Hi, I wonder where can I post minor bugs I noticed, seems like this is the right place. First minor issue I noticed is that when I uninstall forums, the "search in forums" option is still there in the search plugin. Maybe there should be some conditional checks... I will post more when I stumble upon something, I'm currently digging in Siena (and I'm loving it!) |
Trustmaster |
Feel free to post them right here! If you notice something that's undoubtedly is a bug, then you can create an issue in our Github project directly. May the Source be with you!
tensh |
One of the cosmetic issues: if I disable registration, the warning notice appears totally out of site theme (no header or footer). Is it intended? It doesn't look well. |
Trustmaster |
You can customize system error pages by editing error.tpl. Specific error codes are also supported, e.g. error.404.tpl. Default header/footer is not used by emergency errors because header/footer pull a lot of code that may be inappropriate while in error state. May the Source be with you!