Kingsley |
when making changes to your profile, it randomly set username in another field, and saves the username as the content. no idea where it's coming from. some one else expierence that problem too? |
Twiebie |
That might be a sort of auto-fill thing, i've seen that on more websites and not all were Cotonti based. |
pieter |
I got this in Chrome. It was autofill. For me it was always the field above password-field and passwd-field ... can we help you ...
GHengeveld |
Its caused by the browser which assumes that the field before the password is always the username. Perhaps it can be fixed by disabling autocomplete on the password field: autocomplete="off"
Trustmaster |
Good point, I'll add autocomplete="off" there for 0.9.8. May the Source be with you!
Kingsley |
thanks guys.. |