Forums / Cotonti / Support / Need help with an upgrade


6.5 > newest

#16 2011-12-05 08:01

That worked and I received a msg saying succesfull upgrade. However sorry to be a pain I now get this error.

2011-12-05 07:59

Fatal error: Default theme not found.

#0  cot_diefatal(Default theme not found.) called at [/hermes/web01/b2155/as.mysite/public_html/system/common.php:521]
#1  require_once(/hermes/web01/b2155/as.mysite/public_html/system/common.php) called at [/hermes/web01/b2155/as.mysite/public_html/index.php:37]
my config looks like this
$cfg['defaulttheme'] = 'nemesis';    // Default theme code. Be SURE it's pointing to a valid folder in ./themes/... !!
and I have nemesis uploaded to themes folder

Nevermind I fixed it. thanks to everyone  for all the help

This post was edited by musashi9 (2011-12-05 08:30, 13 years ago)
