tensh |
Hi; How do they exactly work? I updated my database to Cotonti 0.6.20 and installed an_blogger. I noticed that when I do any rights update on user groups, they suddenly don't have access to creating pages in the blog. They get a message "forbidden, you're not allowed to do it". I can't really explain it. The groups that I didn't touch in admin/users area work normally. I even created a new group with a setting "set rights as group XXX(working group)", but still it doesn't work - the same error message. There's also auth cache in each user row: when is it generated/reloaded? Only during changing rights in plugins/groups/categories/profile/etc? If I purge it for every user, will it be regenerated or maybe they will lose access to the site? I'm afraid that my database might be a bit messed up after upgrades. If I were to transfer data to a clean installation of Genoa 0.6.20, what should I copy, what should I purge? |
Trustmaster |
This seems like something's wrong with an_blogger permissions in particular. What extended permissions does it use (2, 3, 4, 5)? Auth cache is cleared every time permissions change. It is safe to clear it any time, it will be regenerated. May the Source be with you!
tensh |
an_blogger use W permissions for creating a blog and "2" permissions for auto-validation. It can't possibly be an_blogger's fault since two different groups with the same permissions (W and 2 for an_blogger) behave differently. I also had the situation in which usergroup worked at first (users could add blogs), but then after group edit, they couldn't anymore. I also want to note that the "not allowed to do this" message appears just after hitting submit button. So the page add form normally opens, but user cannot submit page. I will compare all auths for usergroups that work and that doesn't work... we will see... Added 12 hours later: I can't seem to find the cause. The most important rights are set the same... |
This post was edited by tensh (2011-11-24 08:15, 13 years ago) |