setting up Cot
ez |
There is no real description what to use for timezone settings... we have: 1) datas/config.php 2) admin.php?m=config&n=edit&o=core&p=time settings 3) user profile settings.... ??? The first 2... how do i set those properly !! (and where can i find the info needed to set it up) Forgot to mention.... how about DST then ???? ==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
This post was edited by ez (2011-10-14 21:33, 13 years ago) |
Trustmaster |
Timezone setting in datas/config.php is obsolete and should be removed. Default timezone is likely to be the timezone most of your users would like to set. For example in Russia it is 4 (GMT+04). Default value is plain GMT/UTC. See the list of time zones by country. DST is not automatically supported by Cotonti currently. May the Source be with you!
GHengeveld |
You can find time information in admin->other->informations |