"id=XXX" gets automaticly removed from "<div id="XXX"> tags when editing a page using HTML parsing
jamguy |
Hi, took me some time to understand what is wrong, but it seems to be that when editing a page using HTML parsing, all the DIV ID tags gets their ID removed. For Example: <div id="test"> becomes <div> div class works though.
GHengeveld |
Yes, this is caused by HTML Purifier. If you don't allow regular users to post stuff on the site you can disable it (the plugin). Otherwise I recommend to find another solution because shutting it off brings big security risks. The simplest solution is to use the class attribute instead of id. |
jamguy |
Thank you, Removing the Purifier plug-in solved my problem, its a non user post site, so I guess this is the best solution. |
GHengeveld |
Beware that it's also used for comments, so disabling HTML Purifier means you should disable comments too. |
Macik |
[For other users who search solution] Use: in file `htmlpurifier.group_5.preset.php`
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