Forums / Cotonti / General / "Thank You!"

#1 2011-07-09 22:41

Well I was looking through the topics and clicked "Thank You!" and I thanked a user by accident.


Looks like a nice addition but I would make a prompt page before you thank so you don't make the same mistake like me haha. I see this on a lot of websites and I think it's a really nice addition, keep it up Cotonti! 

#2 2011-07-09 22:55

Good idea, added a simple confirmation dialog. Thanks!

May the Source be with you!
#3 2011-07-10 09:49

but where users can find this plug? - мой маленький зарождающийся блог о котонти.
снижение стоимости программирования и снижение стоимости производства разные вещи. Первое можно скорее сравнить с раздачей работникам дешевых инструментов, чем со снижением зарплаты
#4 2011-07-10 12:53

I'm testing this plugin so far, then it will be available in the downloads section.

May the Source be with you!
#5 2011-07-10 13:06
#30160 Trustmaster:

I'm testing this plugin so far, then it will be available in the downloads section.

Very nice plugin, looking forward to it :)

I personally like this version that is being used on IP.Boards:

This post was edited by Twiebie (2011-07-10 14:24, 12 years ago)
#6 2011-07-10 15:41

There are plenty of ranking solutions nowdays including FaceBook Like button and Google +1. I just wanted to make something simple stupid to use on this site to let the people thank each other and to motivate them to help each other more actively.

May the Source be with you!
#7 2011-07-11 18:01

for links to pages "alias" shall be replaced with "al" in: - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#8 2011-07-11 18:23

Fixed, thanks for the report!

May the Source be with you!
#9 2011-07-23 14:15

Is it only for Siena, or does it work with Genoa aswell?