Forums / Cotonti / Support / Siena 0.9.1 Slow to post/submit to database

Speedy on read, slow on post

#1 2011-05-13 18:30

When I first installed Siana, there was a missing cache folder for the templates... that was easy to solve. The next issue I came across was the speed of the site, VERY slow and a timed out on flushing the buffer (cot_shutdown( ) ... functions.php on line 824). I recified this by dissabling output_buffering in my PHP setup. I thought I solved the speed problem as pages loaded quickly (minus the rss feeds, which I'll worry about later).

Now, the problem is when I try to login or post anything. It feels like it takes forever and a day for the post to happen, if at all. 

I'm not sure if this is a bug or my WAMP configuration. I was hoping that someone else might have had this issue and could point to whats going on?

Right now I'm using Apache 2.2.17, mySQL 5.1.53 and PHP 5.3.4 via WAMPserver (On Win7 64).

As far as I can tell all required modules are accounted for.. They are either built in PHP on the windows version or enabled by default.


- Be Kind, Please Rewind -
#2 2011-05-14 19:56

Output buffering might seem the porblem because it waits till the whole page is loaded, but in fact it might be delayed by something else. You can try looking at MySQL stats. Go to AdminCP => Configuration => Main Settings and enable Debugging Mode. Then add these tags to your footer.tpl: {FOOTER_CREATIONTIME}, {FOOTER_SQLSTATISTICS} and {FOOTER_DEVMODE}. It will output script and database timings, including query execution time. It may give an idea what's going wrong.

May the Source be with you!
#3 2011-05-15 17:46

The times don't seem to be terrible (looking at the stats).

On submitting a forum post the stats were:

Page created in 0.092 seconds

SQL      query	Duration	Timeline	Query
BEGIN	                 0.000 ms	 
END	                 0.092 ms	 

Total:0s - Queries:26 - Average:0s/q

I don't know for sure but I believe there should be more information being displayed in dev mode? Ughhh, Just on my first cup of coffee so I may be a bit slow this morn'n.

Anyway.... without submitting anything, there is a slight increase in the speed but nothing spectacular. The page however takes forever and a day to actually load anything (like 30 seconds, which feels like eternity) when submitting/posting anything, including loging in.

I'm really feeling like it could be something I'm overlooking in my wamp configuration. This is the first script to do this on it, but the configuration is pretty much all on defaults (minus a hefty increase in upload size limits LOL).

None of this is HUGELY important in that this isn't a production envornment.. just makes it annoying to template (I like instant gratification lol). I'm going to keep looking, maybe another cup of coffee will lead to a break through.

Thanks for your help Trustmaster!


Added 33 minutes later:

I reinstalled wamp and now things seem to work flawlessly! I still wish I knew what was going on =0\

- Be Kind, Please Rewind -
This post was edited by fade2k (2011-05-15 18:21, 13 years ago)
#4 2011-05-15 18:40

I forgot that you need to enable Admin => Config => Theme => Show SQL statistics to see stats per query.

Anyways, that really seems like corrupted WAMP rather than Cotonti problem.

May the Source be with you!
#5 2011-05-15 18:55

Good info for future information anyway. Yeah, def. was my wamp... Everything is VERY speedy now! Now I can start playing =0) I don't know why I didn't just try reinstalling when I first felt it was the wamp setup... Was nearly pulling out my hair LOL

Thanks again!

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