Bosco |
1. when adding an image to a page/post: [img=<a href="<a data-cke-saved-href="" href=""></a>"><a data-cke-saved-href="" href="">][/img]</a></a>
2. when editing the max size per file and for all in the admin -> user -> administrators Title of your site 2011-05-01 08:36 Fatal error: Unknown filter for a variable : Var = Filter = "LVL" ? #0 cot_diefatal(Unknown filter for a variable : Var = Filter = "LVL" ?) called at [/public_html/newsite/system/functions.php:346] #1 cot_import(rlevel, P, LVL) called at /public_html/newsite/system/admin/admin.users.php:82] #2 require(/public_html/newsite/system/admin/admin.users.php) called at [/public_html/newsite/system/admin/admin.main.php:67] #3 include(/public_html/newsite/system/admin/admin.main.php) called at [/public_html/newsite/admin.php:25] I've got: Version (Revision) 0.9.1 (r2040)
This post was edited by Bosco (2011-05-01 08:45, 13 years ago) |
Trustmaster |
1. Are you using bbcode + ckeditor? This combination is not supported. 2. I have fixed that in r2062, it will be included in 0.9.2. If you want to fix that for now, just find and replace 'LVL' with 'INT' in system/admin/admin.users.php. May the Source be with you!
Bosco |
1. nope, removed ckeditor right after install. HTML purifier is on it, but not installed. 2. thx, iz fixed. Added 3 minutes later: which reminds me; bbflow plugin, is that gonna be availible for Sienna? Added 15 minutes later: Found another small bug In the recentforums for on the index, after a post is says 1 weeks in stead of 1 week Added 23 hours later: when I go to forums, title is forums.php / forums (in the nemesis skin this error exsists too) Added 5 hours later: extra field type: textarea - doesn't display text when editing a page. |
This post was edited by Bosco (2011-05-02 20:09, 13 years ago) |