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This is function for random picture/screen in slider that use <li></li> tags. It is designed for Dark Portal skin . I saw few question on Cotonti forom about random pictures in Dark Portal skin.
1. ------ EDIT: (put in tpl file) index.tpl {SLIDER_SHOW} (instead of) {PHP.cfg.freetext8} 2. ------ ADD: (into file) (in system\core\index) bellow "$t = new XTemplate($mskin);" line: function rnd_slider($fragments) { $fragment_count = 0; $fragment_rndmatch_counter = 0; $fragment_rndmatch = array(""); $rnd_number = 0; $rnd_match = 0; $rnd_dismatch_countr = 0; $rndmatch = array(""); $slider_rnd_content = array(""); preg_match_all('/.*/',$fragments,$slider_fragmenty_prepare); $slider_fragmenty_join = join("", $slider_fragmenty_prepare[0]); preg_match_all('/\<li.+?li>/',$slider_fragmenty_join,$slider_fragmenty_parse); $fragment_count = count($slider_fragmenty_parse[0]); while ($fragment_rndmatch_counter < $fragment_count) { $rnd_match = 0; $rnd_number = mt_rand(1,$fragment_count); for ($rnd_dismatch_countr = 0; $rnd_dismatch_countr < $fragment_count; ) { if ($rndmatch[$rnd_dismatch_countr] != $rnd_number) { $rnd_dismatch_countr++; } else { $rnd_match = 1; break; } } if ($rnd_match == 0) { array_push($rndmatch,$rnd_number); $fragment_rndmatch_counter++; array_push($slider_rnd_content,$slider_fragmenty_parse[0][($rnd_number -1)]); } } return $slider_rnd_content; } $t->assign("SLIDER_SHOW", join("",rnd_slider($cfg['freetext8']))); ================================================================== This is just function that could be useful for any user but it would be grateful if somebody is able to make a plug-in from it maybe ![]() Salvation is the gift but sometimes is to hard for us to acknowledge it.