Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / Content Tabs

plugin for showing tabs with a few articles

#1 2011-01-02 21:09
I have build a plugin (Genoa) for showing content in tabs.

Inside the tabs you can have:

1) a single page
2) articles of a pagecategory (like news..)
3) authors articles (category independant) (like 'ez')

Inside an Tab there is an jquery accordion with a few articles (title and link).
Tab title, and tabcontent is configurable (very simple)
Also the number of articles shown is configurable (for a single page it is 1)

It is all build with Jquery UI, so you can customise your skin pretty easy with Jquery skins.

Anybody interested... ??

contact me (ez)
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#2 2011-01-03 00:43
the idea is nice... example?
#3 2011-01-03 01:19
Will send you pm with a link...

It is not finished yet (I am at 95%) just some cleaning and small improvements to do
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#4 2011-01-04 06:36
Can I see your work ?
#5 2011-01-05 23:30
I would like to see it as well. You know our homepage has different categorie possibilities, turning that into a slider could be interesting.
I know how to make sliders on an html website (html + jquery), I still dont have the knowledge to create my own plugins (php) so I am interested :)
<img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
#6 2011-01-07 20:36
I can make tabbed content (so you can determine what is on the tabs). The tabs could
run on a timer (kinda like a slider).

Knowing your site... I could add some serious caching stuff for super speed !!! :)
(I have done something simular before on another project, and it is really fast !!)

I will send you email later on..

Added 1 hour 37 minutes later:

I see that you use some off my stuff... nice :)
Will send you an pm with a link

Added 2 days later:

I now have a picture off the plugin:

The config string for the picture is:
@3|Herman Grooten|A|5,@4|Teun Koorevaar|L,@180|Dimitri Reinderman|L

Example TAB1:
@3|Herman Grooten|A|5
@3 = show all content/articles for user number 3
Herman Grooten = The Tabtitle
A = Show this in Accordeon format
5 = Show 5 items

Example TAB2:
@4|Teun Koorevaar|L (User number 4, title, Show in list form, (default 20 items))

You can also take a pagecategory by using .categoryname or a singlepage using #pageid

==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
This post was edited by ez (2011-01-10 04:13, 14 years ago)