Heater |
I have a question... In my site there are two private sections with level 50. The Guest see the sections Folded. A Guest User can see the sections without enter ? Thanks for now. [url=http://www.fightercombatsims.net]FighterCombatSims[/url]
esclkm |
level 50 - level is smth from ldu
in sed/cot we use auth littledev.ru - мой маленький зарождающийся блог о котонти.
снижение стоимости программирования и снижение стоимости производства разные вещи. Первое можно скорее сравнить с раздачей работникам дешевых инструментов, чем со снижением зарплаты |
Heater |
can you tell me ?
GHengeveld |
Go to admin.php?m=forums
Click on the 'Rights' icon in the row of the forum section you want to make private. Check/uncheck the Rights checkboxes for the user groups you want to allow or disallow access. Rights are devided into 3 types: Read, Write and Administrate (there's also 12345 hidden under the More... link but you don't need those). Administrators will have all 3 boxes checked (and locked). Regular members usually have only R + W (first two boxes). If you want to make a section private, uncheck all boxes for the user groups you don't want to give access. You can also allow users to read, but not write (reply) by checking only the first box (R). |
Heater |
thanks Koradhil,
but if I want to show only Topics of a private section ? Example: go HERE ! You are a Guest, and you can't see/reading Itelligence...I want to show only Topics Title without reading the Topics. Do you understand? Sorry for my bad English [url=http://www.fightercombatsims.net]FighterCombatSims[/url]
GHengeveld |
I don't think it's possible to show topic titles in forum index without giving read access to that section. That would require a plugin.
Heater |
ohh thanks Koradhil...
Added 8 days later: I need a plugin for the forum. I want to create a private section forum Visible but don't Joinable, like phpBB. Example here --> EXAMPLE If I put all my section "Folded" for Users Guest the forums loss credibility. I need a plugin for make this, an user click on the private section "area 51" and an error show up "You havent't sufficient level". I want use only the Cotonti Forum on my site and I hate phpBB.... This fuction is very important. Happy New Year !!! [url=http://www.fightercombatsims.net]FighterCombatSims[/url]
This post was edited by Heater (2010-12-31 17:47, 14 years ago) |