badsey |
Hi, i have asked a couple of questions already, how ever there is more, i would like answering, i am doing a wesbite for a charity, in the UK, called Batchley Support Group, and the people that work there dont really have alot of experience in computers nor the web, so im using Cotonti as its easy and very flexible and easy to customize, however there are a few things i would like some help after,
1. the text box that is used has functions will never get used, is there away to remove the functions e.g "Quote, Pre-formatted Text, Spoiler, Code and Members Only", next is the new text boxer uses a iframe to show the preview, but as its a iframe styling cannot be done, is there away i can use the old text box from sedito for this or at least edit the iframe ? 2. The date on the news, is there away that i can be re-arranged (not the tpl file) so that i can put one under the other, for example, right now its set "2010-09-22" ,i would like it like this. 22
09 2010 3.can the "powered by Cotonti" be removed, this is a none-profit site, and does not have the money to pay for the link to be-removed, i volunteered todo the site so i dont get money. , i think thats it at the moment for the question, would be very grateful for a reply |
Trustmaster |
1. You can edit the default button set in plugins/markitup/js/set.js. Just remove options you don't want to be in markupSet. For example, to remove "code", remove this:
{name: L.code, className: 'mCode', openWith:' 2. Eneter Admin => Config => Time and date. There in the "Medium date mask" you can try inserting "<br />" between letters indicating Y (year), m (month) and d (day). 3. "powered by Cotonti" can be removed without any fees on any kind of a site. By keeping it you just let more people know about Cotonti. May the Source be with you!