Forums / Cotonti / Development / Siena Beta Testing


Bugfixing and evaluation cycle started

#136 2011-02-09 23:14
# pieter : When installing the HIDDEN GROUP I got this error:
Fatal error : SQL error 42S21: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'grp_hidden'
Fixed in 1828
#137 2011-02-10 07:08
# Koradhil : the default behavior is the following sequence of finding the right tpl file:
For plugins:
1. themes/usertheme/plugins/tplfile.tpl
2. themes/defaulttheme/plugins/tplfile.tpl
3. plugins/pluginname/tpl/tplfile.tpl
For modules:
1. themes/usertheme/tplfile.tpl
2. themes/defaulttheme/tplfile.tpl
3. modules/modulename/tpl/tplfile.tpl
For core modules (currently just users):
1. themes/usertheme/plugins/tplfile.tpl
2. themes/defaulttheme/plugins/tplfile.tpl
3. system/modulename/tpl/tplfile.tpl
For admin (incl. header and footer):
1. themes/usertheme/admin/tplfile.tpl
2. themes/defaulttheme/admin/tplfile.tpl
3. system/admin/tpl/tplfile.tpl

This is a problem sometimes:
In default skin I have header.home.tpl and footer.home.tpl
In second skin I don't need those.
But when you open index.php it does not take the header.tpl like it should, but the header.home.tpl from th default skin.
So for my second skin I need to copy header.tpl to header.home.tpl to avoid the problem.
Is there a solution for this?

Added 2 days later:

{LIST_TAG_CLOUD} does not work in page.list.tpl

Added 1 hour 9 minutes later:

{PHP.L.plu_tabs_pag} is not defined, but is mentioned in search.tpl (in plugins/search/tpl/)

Added 1 day later:

Is it possible {PAGE_ROW_URL} changed??

I use it in news.tpl
Before it gave the link to the page. Now it gives link to index.php?c=news (News on index)
... can we help you ...
This post was edited by pieter (2011-02-14 04:09, 13 years ago)
#138 2011-02-14 05:28
# pieter : Is it possible {PAGE_ROW_URL} changed??
I use it in news.tpl
Before it gave the link to the page. Now it gives link to index.php?c=news (News on index)
Fixed in r1840.
#139 2011-02-14 18:43
When I update an existing Poll I get a new poll with same name.

eg. I have option A, B and C
If I want to add D.
I click on admin on the poll, I tells me edit or delete.
I add D and click update.

Now I have 2 polls with the same name.
Original Poll has A, B and C
Created Poll with same name has only D
... can we help you ...
#140 2011-02-14 19:17
Wanting and having a stable version to be used :) greetings and very good work.
#141 2011-02-15 00:27
# pieter : When I update an existing Poll I get a new poll with same name.
Fixed in r1841. Actually polls needs some refactoring but that's something for the next release, not for Siena 0.9.0.
#142 2011-02-15 03:28
I don't install page module, but in the default theme 'nemesis' there are some links to 'news', that don't work. Please make conditional output in .tpl as it made for forums and other modules.
Or I need to ask theme's author?
#143 2011-02-15 04:11
You can change link behind news in the Menu slots in tpl-files.
News is always related to pages.

<a href="list.php?c=news">News</a>

Added 11 hours 29 minutes later:

How can I change the output of {LIST_ROW_DATE} ?
Now it is date AND time. And I don't want the time to be displayed in page.list.tpl

Added 20 minutes later:

{PAGE_COMMENTS_COUNT} seems not to work in page.list.tpl


Added 6 minutes later:

How does RATINGS work? I don't get it to work (Not in pages, not in list)
... can we help you ...
This post was edited by pieter (2011-02-15 16:07, 13 years ago)
#144 2011-02-15 22:09
# pieter : How can I change the output of {LIST_ROW_DATE} ?
Now it is date AND time. And I don't want the time to be displayed in page.list.tpl
Use this:
{LIST_ROW_DATE_STAMP|cot_date('date_full', $this)}
See lang/en/main.en.lang.php line 362 for a list of possible values instead of 'date_full'. You can also specify the date format directly by replacing 'date_full' with something like 'd-m-Y'. Downside is that the format will be fixed in that case, while 'date_full' can be different between languages.

Every tag in CoTemplate (Cotonti's implementation of XTemplate) can have a 'callback function' specified. You do this by putting a 'pipe' sign | at the end of the tag name, followed by a PHP function. This can be both PHP native functions, or user-specified functions (from plugins for example). The function can take one dynamic variable, $this, which takes the value of the tag preceding the function. Since {LIST_ROW_DATE_STAMP} returns a Unix timestamp (integer), the value of $this will be this timestamp. cot_date() takes 2 parameters: a datetime format (like the date() function) and a timestamp. CoTemplate will replace the tag inside the template with the value returned by the callback function instead of the value of the tag itself. It's not possible to put template tags as parameters for the callback function, so callbacks are limited to just one dynamic parameter ($this).
This post was edited by Koradhil (2011-02-15 22:20, 13 years ago)
#145 2011-02-16 02:53
<a href="rss.php?c=section&amp;id={PHP.s}"> gives an error in forums.topics.tpl

PHP.s gives the code name and not the id.
How can I solve this?

I change id to s but I don't know if RSS works for sections.

Added 55 minutes later:


This part is mentioned in forums.editposts.tpl
But it does not work. It is not showing.

Added 1 hour 10 minutes later:

In recent items we had before {RI_IMG}
This gave a different arrow if the post was read or unread

In the new version of recent items I see {FORUM_ROW_ICON}
This is the icon used in forums itself.

Is there a way to get the arrow read/unread feature again?
The {FORUM_ROW_ICON} is not a nice icon on the index
... can we help you ...
This post was edited by pieter (2011-02-16 05:03, 13 years ago)
#146 2011-02-16 05:23
{LIST_TAG_CLOUD} does not work in page.list.tpl

{PHP.L.plu_tabs_pag} is not defined, but is mentioned in search.tpl (in plugins/search/tpl/)

{PAGE_COMMENTS_COUNT} seems not to work in page.list.tpl
Yes, there is only {LIST_ROW_COMMENTS} with comments link. Comments count would add many DB queries.

How does RATINGS work? I don't get it to work (Not in pages, not in list)
Is "Star Ratings" plugin enabled? Tags like {PAGE_RATINGS_DISPLAY} present?

<a href="rss.php?c=section&amp;id={PHP.s}"> gives an error in forums.topics.tpl
PHP.s gives the code name and not the id.
How can I solve this?

I change id to s but I don't know if RSS works for sections.


This part is mentioned in forums.editposts.tpl
But it does not work. It is not showing.
May the Source be with you!
#147 2011-02-17 02:16
# Trustmaster : Is "Star Ratings" plugin enabled? Tags like {PAGE_RATINGS_DISPLAY} present?

It is enabled.
page.tpl :

Average gives 0, display gives nothing.

What do I need to do for ratings? CSS, jquery, ... ?

Added 4 hours 9 minutes later:

After reinstall of new version. Comments gives strange things.
comments_code_admin comments_code_edit
It is due the recent items when used in header.

Added 20 hours 26 minutes later:

Before we could select users with
By first letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z %

This is not possible in Siena.
Is this correct?
Can we do this on another way?
... can we help you ...
This post was edited by pieter (2011-02-18 18:21, 13 years ago)
#148 2011-02-18 18:31
USERS_TOP_FILTERS_OTHERS - now deleted in siena - It can be added by plugin. I delete it because it contains only latin letters - what is not correct - мой маленький зарождающийся блог о котонти.
снижение стоимости программирования и снижение стоимости производства разные вещи. Первое можно скорее сравнить с раздачей работникам дешевых инструментов, чем со снижением зарплаты
#149 2011-02-18 19:40
Here's your plugin: 1853.

It does use different tags:
<a href="{URL}">{LETTER}</a>
<!-- END: LETTER -->
#150 2011-02-18 19:45
Is there a way via cotemplate to check if a plugin is installed?

<!-- IF "Plugin is installed" -->
... can we help you ...
