Forums / Cotonti / Development / Siena Beta Testing


Bugfixing and evaluation cycle started

#1 2010-09-18 00:40


Cotonti Siena has been in development for over a year by now and except for this progress slider on index page most people know nothing about it. By now we have done enough much to show people some results of our work. But it is still far from complete, even some very major tasks are yet to do.

This thread starts Alpha Beta testing cycle for Cotonti Siena which pursues following goals:
  • Start fixing bugs in Siena now, so most of them are fixed by release time.
  • Let people actually try it with their own hands and see with their own eyes what has been changed.
  • Give plugin, skin theme developers and translators a chance to get used to the changes, learn them and get ready for 0.9.
  • Involve more people in development process, so it is implemented faster.

Obtaining the Beta

Before you start using the Beta, performing tests and asking questions let's make it clear: the Beta version is for testing only, do not use it on live sites, do not migrate your existing Genoa sites to it, neither we guarantee any stability until the final 0.9.0 release.

Download latest hourly build
Or better get it via SVN:
svn checkout svn://

First steps

What's new in Cotonti Siena?

I'm afraid I'm not able to list all the changes here, but this link may give you an idea:
Tickets already closed for 0.9.0
All 0.9.0 tickets

Reporting Bugs

We use this thread to report bugs found in Alpha. If you have found a bug while testing, first search if it has already been reported here. If it hasn't then report a bug including these details:
  • What is wrong?
  • Where does it happen?
  • What should developers do to reproduce the bug?
  • What revision are you running?
More details and reason assumptions are welcome.

The bug report entries will be added as links to report posts below, sorted by status: (New,In Progress or Closed).

More Developers Wanted!

Currently only 3 developers are working on Cotonti 0.9 and there is still plenty of work to do. I expect a flood of bug reports in this topic which we just cannot sustain, so we demand on more developers joining us or resuming their suspended activity.

If a developer resumes his activity and wants to help, he should contact me for further instructions.

If a community member wants to join the team and help, he needs to meet these requirements first:
  • His plugins should already be in Downloads or here on forums, so only experienced coders are accepted.
  • He should get familiar with Siena structure and code first by his own.
  • Some Subversion/SVN experience is highly appreciated, although it is not required.
If a member meets these requirements, he can contact me for further details.

A Translation Proposal

There is a proposal that more than just en/ru locales can be included in the main package and kept up2date. But it requires all the language work to be done in our central Subversion repository. If some locale maintainers are agree with this, post in this thread or in translators' roster.


The list below represents bugs found in alpha versions by testers in this thread as links to report posts. It is divided into sections by status.
Active bugs:
In progress:

Closed bugs:

Here We Go!

OK, time to start our discussion stream. Please do not flood this topic or bump your request too often. The developers are overloaded by work and may be slow to respond. Thanks for your understanding and contribution!
May the Source be with you!
This post was edited by Trustmaster (2011-01-05 06:08, 13 years ago)
#2 2010-09-18 02:11
# Trustmaster :

A Translation Proposal

There is a proposal that more than just en/ru locales can be included in the main package and kept up2date. But it requires all the language work to be done in our central Subversion repository. If some locale maintainers are agree with this, post in this thread or in translators' roster.

You can count me in for Dutch
... can we help you ...
#3 2010-09-18 02:55
# pieter : You can count me in for Dutch
Please let's get it right this time. 'Neen' is flemish, not dutch! I think a joint effort is a good idea.

As far as development goes, I cannot give any guarantees, but you may have noticed I've not become as unavailable as I said before. If you have special instructions, please PM me.
#4 2010-09-18 03:06
# Koradhil : 'Neen' is flemish, not dutch! I think a joint effort is a good idea.

No problem, but see
Neen is een officieel nederlands woord.
Neen is trouwens ouder dan nee.
Neen legt gewoon meer nadruk dan nee.
... can we help you ...
#5 2010-09-18 04:15
I've started a separate topic about translation proposal.

I'll clarify a bit about what is special about developer's work on alpha.

Alpha Work for Developers

The basic bugfixing process looks like this:
  1. A developer visits this topic, finds an active bug in the 1st post, reads its description in this topic and asks for details if necessary.
  2. Then he tells that he wants to solve that problem, so the bug gets assigned to him and the status becomes "In Progress".
  3. Then he finds the reason, fixes the bug and commits to SVN/trunk.
  4. Then he reports it in this topic, we do the tests again and - problem solved.

It is pretty same thing we do on Trac. But I decided to do it here on forums because many people prefer such informal way and to keep Trac clean from temporary tickets.

And of course work on actual Active Tickets remains. So one can take a ticket and implement it.

And if someone isn't sure what to do next, he can contact me and we will search for a suitable task together.

Added 1 day later:

A few bugs fixed, archive reuploaded, see the 1st post.
May the Source be with you!
This post was edited by Trustmaster (2010-09-19 17:00, 14 years ago)
#6 2010-09-20 00:28
Will help with translation EN/NL if needed.
#7 2010-09-20 02:20
# Trustmaster : Added 1 day later:

A few bugs fixed, archive reuploaded, see the 1st post.

How to upgrade?

If I reupload all files, he forwards me to install.php
But This is the normal install. Because he asks for database info.
If I fill it in, I get: Table already exists.
... can we help you ...
#8 2010-09-20 02:39
Normally, after you have installed alpha (up to the end) and there is an update available, you update the files and then go to install.php. It should perform update automatically. If it tries to do fresh install, then it means that your config.php is either missing, or it has a $cfg['new_install'] option in it (which means that installation is not complete).
May the Source be with you!
#9 2010-09-20 15:24
Template mode selector in the admin structure area needs to be fixed - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#10 2010-09-20 15:47
First post updated, added online demo
May the Source be with you!
#11 2010-09-20 16:13
Possible cotemplate bug in the RIGHTS_HELP block (admin.rights.tpl):
        <p>{PHP.R.admin_icon_auth_r}&nbsp; {PHP.L.Read}</p>
        <p>{PHP.R.admin_icon_auth_w}&nbsp; {PHP.L.Write}</p>
        <p>{PHP.R.admin_icon_auth_1}&nbsp; {PHP.L.Custom} #1</p>
        <!-- IF {PHP.advanced} --><p>{PHP.R.admin_icon_auth_2}&nbsp; {PHP.L.Custom} #2</p>
        <p>{PHP.R.admin_icon_auth_3}&nbsp; {PHP.L.Custom} #3</p>
        <p>{PHP.R.admin_icon_auth_4}&nbsp; {PHP.L.Custom} #4</p>
        <p>{PHP.R.admin_icon_auth_5}&nbsp; {PHP.L.Custom} #5</p><!-- ENDIF -->
        <p>{PHP.R.admin_icon_auth_a}&nbsp; {PHP.L.Administration}</p>

Добавлено 10 часов 55 Минут спустя:

CoTemplate testing


<!-- IF !{LIST_ROW_IMG} -->
     <!-- IF {PHP.usr.maingrp} == 11 OR {PHP.usr.isadmin} --><br />Удалить альбом<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

Doesn't work:
<!-- IF !{LIST_ROW_IMG}  AND ( {PHP.usr.maingrp} == 11 OR {PHP.usr.isadmin} ) --><br />Удалить альбом<!-- ENDIF -->

Doesn't work:
<!-- IF ( !{LIST_ROW_IMG} )  AND ( {PHP.usr.maingrp} == 11 OR {PHP.usr.isadmin} ) -->Удалить альбом<!-- ENDIF --> - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
This post was edited by Kort (2010-09-21 03:09, 14 years ago)
#12 2010-09-22 19:01
1. PFS: The subfolders doesn"t work.
I can create a folder with as parent another folder. But it is shown on the same level, and if I click edit, it's parent folders is always /. You can change it but it stays at /

2. admin.php?m=config&n=edit&o=core&p=main
Some options has 2 radiobuttons (YES, NO) but none is selected if you chose NO.
Ofter chosing NO and update, it stays unselected.
EG Cluster of servers: If you click NO, none is selected, with YES it works.
update: It is for all parts in admin.
... can we help you ...
#13 2010-09-22 20:07
 ______     ______     ______   ______     __   __     ______   __        ______     __     ______     __   __     ______
/\  ___\   /\  __ \   /\__  _\ /\  __ \   /\ "-.\ \   /\__  _\ /\ \      /\  ___\   /\ \   /\  ___\   /\ "-.\ \   /\  __ \
\ \ \____  \ \ \/\ \  \/_/\ \/ \ \ \/\ \  \ \ \-.  \  \/_/\ \/ \ \ \     \ \___  \  \ \ \  \ \  __\   \ \ \-.  \  \ \  __ \
 \ \_____\  \ \_____\    \ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \_\\"\_\    \ \_\  \ \_\     \/\_____\  \ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \_\\"\_\  \ \_\ \_\
  \/_____/   \/_____/     \/_/   \/_____/   \/_/ \/_/     \/_/   \/_/      \/_____/   \/_/   \/_____/   \/_/ \/_/   \/_/\/_/


As far as i see it. Siena rocks! ;)
URL shortener: <a href="!7AD5C7">!7AD5C7</a>
#14 2010-09-23 16:34
Should be noted.

Fatal error : SQL error : Unknown column 'page_' in 'order clause'

on index news.
#15 2010-09-23 20:56
not sure if this is still in the core: "Seditio do NOT supports the LDU standard plugins."

we should change all seditio parts with cotonti...
URL shortener: <a href="!7AD5C7">!7AD5C7</a>
