Forums / Cotonti / Support / Country Ban?

#1 2010-08-20 13:38
Ok so im new to cotonti but have used sedito for the longest time. Finally made the switch =D much better aha. Anyways I have a problem. Is there a way to ban a country from registering? I have ALOT of afghanistan people joining my site and registering and spamming. Its very annoying and i get TONS and TONS of afghan users. Any suggestions?
#2 2010-08-20 14:29
These are no Afghani. Just like you are not necessarily American. Use captcha and check spammers' Ips first. - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#3 2010-08-20 14:35
afghanistan is the first country in the list.
And if you want to spam, I guess you don't take your own info.
You just pick a country.

Kort is right.
Use capcha or at least email-activation.
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#4 2010-08-20 15:40
but of course there is a possibility to check from wich country your user is.
you would need to make a plugin that checks the IP of the users and then re-checks the IP with the GEOMOD DB from where the IP is connected. if you know from where a user is connecting and wich ip segment he uses you could not allow them to register.

with that check you could "ban" ppl logging in from a specific country except they use a proxy to connect to your site...

offtopic: please dont take this too serious but i just imagined george w. bush being totaly annoyed about all that afgahni people registering on his site ;) "That means WAR! alls that spammers" ;)
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#5 2010-08-21 00:41
offtopic: please dont take this too serious but i just imagined george w. bush being totaly annoyed about all that afgahni people registering on his site ;) "That means WAR! alls that spammers" ;)


And well i do have email check. But they still register and stay inactive. Like i have alot registered right now.

EDIT nvm ill add captcha maybe they will get tired of typing the letters and registering =P and just found out how to delete all inactive users. Thanks for the replies
#6 2010-08-21 02:30
there is a plugin to autodelete inactive users after x time.

I guess it is this one:
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#7 2010-08-21 03:05
Cleaner plugin (on by default) does that after 7 days. BTW, Kilandor has told me that some modern bots can activate with Cotonti e-mails too.
May the Source be with you!
#8 2010-08-21 18:08
Installing a captcha should solve about 99% of unwanted registrations, so that's your best bet.
#9 2010-08-22 05:30
Thanks guys, Yeah I installed the math captcha =P Now they gave up registering on my site and spamming it Thanks everyone

Problem solved you can close