Forums / Cotonti / Support / seditio to cotonti conversion


young mone
#1 2010-08-12 11:09
well i need to update my seditio site to cotonti latest i run Seditio v130 an i been out of the seditio an cotonti talk for some time now can anyone help me
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#2 2010-08-12 15:02

- Backup
- Replace all files with the latest release
- Do all sql updates starting with 125n-001 up-till 0.6.3-0.6.9

You need to check all your plugins if they still work or not. Some plugins are not needed anymore, their functionalities are in the core.

So best it to do a on a test site. Make a backup and restore it on a test-server, or subdir.
Try to upgrade and fix the errors in the plugins.
Then move this to the real site.
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#3 2010-08-12 15:55
Do you know
build a testserver with that
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
young mone
#4 2010-08-13 01:35
# pieter :

- Backup
- Replace all files with the latest release
- Do all sql updates starting with 125n-001 up-till 0.6.3-0.6.9

You need to check all your plugins if they still work or not. Some plugins are not needed anymore, their functionalities are in the core.

So best it to do a on a test site. Make a backup and restore it on a test-server, or subdir.
Try to upgrade and fix the errors in the plugins.
Then move this to the real site.
ok thanks
is there a way i can install cotonti then import my old db ?
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This post was edited by young mone (2010-08-13 01:50, 14 years ago)
#5 2010-08-13 02:17
yes, install cotonti without to create database-tables
Import old database
Do all upgrade script for SQL

If I remember well, all plugins are disabled during upgrade from seditio to cotonti.
So no errors for plugins. And then reinstall them one by one to see if they work.
... can we help you ...
young mone
#6 2010-08-13 02:27
# pieter : yes, install cotonti without to create database-tables
Import old database
Do all upgrade script for SQL

If I remember well, all plugins are disabled during upgrade from seditio to cotonti.
So no errors for plugins. And then reinstall them one by one to see if they work.
ok i did this as a test site what i did was install my old sed db then import the new cotonti files no sed files are in but the db
some of the main errors are

Warning: Division by zero in /home/gamergod/public_html/psp/system/functions.php on line 3241

Fatal error: Call to undefined function sed_build_smilies() in /home/gamergod/public_html/psp/plugins/box/box.index.php on line 58
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#7 2010-08-14 21:28
# pieter : If I remember well, all plugins are disabled during upgrade from seditio to cotonti.
So no errors for plugins. And then reinstall them one by one to see if they work.

To prevent errors (been there done it a dozen times) disable all plugins yourself in the seditio DB (one by one, dont use the disable the plugins config), clear all logs and other tables you don't need or want (to keep the DB as small as possible), upload the Cotonti files, import the DB and execute all DB patches one by one. Make sure you dont skip one. And also read the above posted links, they contain valuable info.

If you think reading/watching some videos is a waist of time i guess after a few tries to convert you will decide otherwise.
<img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
young mone
#8 2010-08-15 11:23
do i need to install the new cotonti db sql file?
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#9 2010-08-15 16:41

Added 38 seconds later:

you will make from your seditio DB a cotonti DB with the sql scripts
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young mone
#10 2010-08-17 05:49
ok here is what i did so far install the newset cotonti files import my old seditio data base got errors ran the 125 to 0.0 file something like that did
ran the
an so on working my way up to 0.6.9 an i still get errors
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#11 2010-08-17 14:15
what did you do between patch 125 -0 and patch 0.6.3-0.6.9?
I hope you did al steps in between too.

If so, please give us the errors.
Maybe a link?
... can we help you ...
young mone
#12 2010-08-18 10:27
# pieter : what did you do between patch 125 -0 and patch 0.6.3-0.6.9?
I hope you did al steps in between too.

If so, please give us the errors.
Maybe a link?
i did all the sql files in order an still get errors
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#13 2010-08-18 13:45
# pieter : If so, please give us the errors.
Maybe a link?

Added 2 minutes later:

HAve you used the old config.php??

If so, use the config-sample.php
Fill in the needed fields and rename it to config.php and upload it.

Use also the standard skin. If no errors, you can use yours.
But old skins need to be updated.
... can we help you ...
young mone
#14 2010-08-20 12:54
# pieter : Added 2 minutes later:

HAve you used the old config.php??

If so, use the config-sample.php
Fill in the needed fields and rename it to config.php and upload it.

Use also the standard skin. If no errors, you can use yours.
But old skins need to be updated.
Fatal error : SQL error : Table 'gamergod_seditio.sed_bbcode' doesn't exist is one with out uploading the other sql files
site is

When clicking on topics Fatal error : SQL error : Unknown column 'p.poll_code' in 'on clause'
ok i did i done it with out errors the link is in the post
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This post was edited by young mone (2010-08-20 13:07, 14 years ago)
#15 2010-08-20 14:04
Do you still have problems?
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