incorrect timezone, age.
Trustmaster |
To check whether you have applied it or not, see the sed_users table structure in phpMyAdmin. If user_birthdate has type DATE then you have, if user_birthdate has type INT then you haven't and you should do it now.
May the Source be with you!
pieter |
This did the trick, so the ticket can be closed.
In the readme or install there is no instruction about it. Maybe at it for users that upgrade from seditio or an older version. ... can we help you ...
Trustmaster |
It was in Cotonti 0.0.6 updating from 0.0.5 guide, see point 4.
May the Source be with you!
pieter |
But if you do more then one step.
You take the latest version and to all sql step by step. but the patch is not indicated. Maybe at it in the readme in the sql dir. ... can we help you ...
foxhound |
Yep, I forgot it as well (simply overlooked it as I was concentrating on the main db patches) when we did the move to Cotonti on our live site, but simply applying the patch afterwards works just fine. At least as far as I can tell up until now.
<img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
Twiebie |
Can somebody break down the steps for me regarding the birthdays that are set to 30-11-1999?
I'm running the latest version of Cotonti and upgraded from the latest Seditio (v130) version. Thanks in advance. |
pieter |
# Trustmaster : It was in Cotonti 0.0.6 updating from 0.0.5 guide, see point 4. Here is the explaination: 4. Copy sql/patch-0.0.6.txt, save it in your site root as patch.php, run in web browser like http://your-domain.tld/patch.php and then remove patch.php from your site. ... can we help you ...
Twiebie |
Thanks for clearing that up, it's working now.
urlkiller |
just a question! why is the birthdate not an posix code anymore?
URL shortener: <a href="!7AD5C7">!7AD5C7</a>
Trustmaster |
Actually, POSIX timestamps display dates after 1970. Using negative timestamps for people born before 1970 is not a standard thing. But we moved to MySQL DATE rather than INT timestamp to make complex SQL queries on user birthdays (ticket #313). For example, you can easily select users who have birthday today, without selecting all users and passing them to PHP.
May the Source be with you!
urlkiller |
hmmm. sounds logical. guess noone uses the birthday in one of their plugins
![]() thanks... URL shortener: <a href="!7AD5C7">!7AD5C7</a>