in username wrong symbol
inkerman |
If in username used character "<", then events Critical error
I'm think that it's caused by incorrect template in preg_match('/&#\d+;/', $name) || preg_match('/[<>#\'"\/]/', $name) |
ToM |
Yes this is strange because I tested few days ago and I can create user with name e.g. #$%$&ljlj*! .
I thought that mentioned line: preg_match('/&#\d+;/', $name) || preg_match('/[<>#\'"\/]/', $name) should prevent username like this but it doesn't. I haven't had time to check where could be an issue but there is some in function probably. Salvation is the gift but sometimes is to hard for us to acknowledge it.
Trustmaster |
Well, you can't really register a user called "#$%$&ljlj*!" and that line seems to work. As for "<" it triggers a different error, because sed_import() doesn't pass it.
May the Source be with you!
ToM |
Hmm it is quite strange. I can register #$%$&ljlj*! user with no problem. I have 0.6.6 version so I try to upgrade to 0.6.9.
Salvation is the gift but sometimes is to hard for us to acknowledge it.
Kingsley |
oe I think we've got a bit of spam above me.. |
GHengeveld |
Spam deleted, account banned. |