Forums / Cotonti / General / RSS feeds question

#1 2010-06-11 22:35
Is there a way to get all changed items in the rss ?
Is this possible ?

I think if I do: rss.php without the c, then I get the news items.. ??

So something like


Something like

just to filter out the forums
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
This post was edited by ez (2010-06-11 22:47, 14 years ago)
#2 2010-06-12 01:34
Currently there isn't. The reason: walking the site recursively would involve many SQL queries more. And "everything" would be really hard to implement, considering changes in plugins, etc.
May the Source be with you!
#3 2010-06-14 02:49
This could be very simple.. ? Correct me if I am wrong:

	// == Category rss ==
	$mtch = $sed_cat[$c]['path'].".";
	$mtchlen = strlen($mtch);
	$catsub = array();
	$catsub[] = $c;

	foreach($sed_cat as $i => $x){
		if(substr($x['path'], 0, $mtchlen)==$mtch) { $catsub[] = $i; }	}

	$sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT page_id, page_type, page_title, page_text, page_cat, page_date FROM $db_pages WHERE page_state=0 AND page_cat NOT LIKE 'system' AND page_cat IN ('".implode("','", $catsub)."') ORDER by page_date DESC LIMIT ".$cfg_maxitems);
	$i = 0;

This code: ('".implode("','", $catsub)."') provides the category for output from (pages)

I simply could make $catsub come from a configuration (plugin config maybe) setting.

That is filled ONLY if the c parameter is empty.. (now if this is empty, 'news' will be used automatically. So what if we make this configurable.

So something like $cfg['plugin']['rssfeeds']['nocat']='news, articlecat1, articlecat2'

This could be a nice config feature for the RSS feeds.

I will probably will make this for a site that I build.., but maybe this is an idea for Cotonti ?

Could you explain: "walking the site recursively would involve many SQL queries more"

I do not get that :/
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==